Monday, March 23, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 62: Shri Kamakshi (OM kAmAkShyai namaH)

From Namam 52 to 63,we will be seeing the Divine Mother’s residence description.

The Divine Mother’s eyes awaken desire. She has beautiful and attractive eyes. She acts as the eyes for Lord Kamesvaran.

The desire is not physical enjoyment. For the devotee the final desire is reaching Her feet and getting Mukthi (salvation).

Her eyes Sarasvathi (Ka) and Laksmi (Ma) respectively represent knowledge and material wealth. For a devotee these are his goals in worshipping Her. Both desires for the devotee are as natural as Her eyes, which shower generous blessings on Her devotees.

In earlier Namam 18 “Vaktra Laksmi Parivaha Calan Minabha Locana”, we saw that the fish never closes its eye in order to look after its child. Like the fish, the Divine Mother’s eyes are never closed. She looks after the needs of Her devotees always with Her opened eyes.

Abirami Bhatter in verse 69 of the Abirami Anthathi mentions that the Divine Mother’s eye has kindness and power to provide the things the devotee pray for, especially Knowledge and Material Wealth.
69. சகல சௌபாக்கியங்களும் அடைய
தனந்தரும்; கல்வி தரும்; ஒருநாளும் தளர்வறியா
மனந்தரும்; தெய்வ வடிவுந்தரும்; நெஞ்சில் வஞ்சமில்லா
இனந்தரும்; நல்லன எல்லாம் தரும்; அன்பர் என்பவர்க்கே
கனந்தரும் பூங்குழலாள் அபிராமி கடைக்கண்களே.
The Divine Mother was born as the daughter of Dakshan. When Dakshan mistreated Her husband Lord Siva, She immolated Dakshan, his people and herself in Dakshan’s Yaga fire.

Lord Siva was holding her gross body on his shoulders and wandering around. At that time Lord Narayanan (Mahavishnu) used his Cakaram to split the Divine Mother’s body into 51 parts which fell all over the Indian continent. The Divine mother’s Kanchi or an ornament worn over the waist fell in Kanchipuram in Tamilnadu, India. As result, Kanchipuram has gained special powers. The Lord Brahma did a Yakam in Kanchipuram and he got what he wanted. He gave the name Kamakshi to the Divine Mother in Kanchipuram. Earlier, Kaman or cupid had been destroyed by Lord Kameswaran completely. This Kamakshi was the one who helped Kaman to get his life back.

Kamakshi is the gross form of infinite consciousness. In subtle form, she is the Kundalini sakthi or power.

I pray to the Divine Mother Kamakshi, seeking Knowledge and Material Wealth.

                                           The Divine Mother Shri Kamkshi

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 25/26 March 2020

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