Sunday, March 15, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 52: Shri Siva Kamesvarankastha (OM shivakAmeshvarA ~ NkasthAyai namaH)

Up to Namam 51, we saw the Divine Mother’s Body description which had been completed. In this namam 52, we will be seeing the Divine Mother’s seat, which is the left lap of Lord Kamesvaran.

The Divine Mother is sitting well on Kamesvaran’s left lap. Kamesvaran is desire less and has no kamam. He was the one who had destroyed the Manmathan or the Lord of desire. Kamesa is the Lord of desire, who can take any form desired by him. Like Lord Siva taking the handsome Kamesvara version before marrying the Divine Mother who had just come out of Yoga fire on Devargal’s request. Or the kamesa can also be interpreted as desire less or who had overcome the Kama or desire.

Kama can also mean prajnana (Knowledge) which is undivided self- Shiva Himself. According to Vedas, Knowledge is Brahmam, the universal undivided self (Lord Siva).

Vedas also say that Lord Shiva’s only desire is to create the universe. The Divine Mother is helping such universal creation by sitting on the left lap of the Lord Siva or Kameavaran.

This namam can be interpreted to mean that the Divine Mother resides in the undivided self (Lord Shiva or Kamesvaran) fully resolved and without any doubt. It is symbol of their unison in creating and managing the universe.

As in Raja Rajeswari form, it is very clear that the Divine Mother is sitting on the lap of Lord Shiva. I am seeking the darshan or an opportunity to see your sitting on Lord Kamesvaran’s lap; the Divine Mother help me to eliminate my ignorance and to gain knowledge.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 15/16 March 2020.

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