Monday, March 23, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 61: Shri Sudha Sagara Madhyastha (OM sudhAsAgaramadhyasthAyai namaH)

From Namam 52 to 63,we will be seeing the Divine Mother’s residence description.

The Divine Mother is living in the middle of Nectar Ocean.

Sudah Sagaram is a vast ocean of Nectar/Elixir/Ambrosia. Inside this ocean Kadabna forest is located. The Divine Mother’s Cintamani mansion built with wish-granting gems is inside this Kadamba forest. So the Divine Mother lives essentially in Sudha Sagaram. In humans Sahasraram is a Cakram above one’s head. This is also called Sudha Sagaram where the Divine Mother is said to live.

Earlier we saw Sri Cakram which is inside this Cintamani house. One can cross every stage of this Sri Cakaram and reach the Bindu. This Bindu is also within the Nectar Ocean.

According to Tantrasastras, there are three cities in this ocean of Nectar namely:

The first one is surrounded by the ocean of Nectar
The second is the Candramandala in the pericarp which forms the part of the wall of the thousand petaled lotuses.
The third one is the centre point “Bindu” of the Candramandala , also called “Aparajita”.

To understand the meaning of Aparajita, we need to consider three routes to attain salvation (no birth and death cycle for the soul) namely
People who pray to Lord Siva to reach Him in Kailash
People who pray to Lord MahaVishnu to reach Him in Vaikundam
People who pray to the Divine Mother to reach Her in Aparajita.(means unconquered  or undefeated or powerful and complete or Goddess Durga)

Srinagaram, Sripuram and Sri Cakaram are all the Divine Mother’s living places.

Namam 620 “Aneka Koti Brahmanda Janani” indicates that the Divine Mother created many very big lokas (something bigger than earth) or universes. Sudha Sagaram is outside of all these universes. In the centre of it is Kadamba Vanam. Inside Kadamba Vanam, the Cintamani house built with wish-granting gems is located. Within Cintamani house, the Sri Cakram is situated and the Divine Mother is living in Sri Cakara Bindu.

Close enough meanings for words used:
Tantricsastras: Sacred texts usually associated with a particular tradition and deity; here it is the Divine Mother.
Pericarp: the part of the fruit from the wall of ripened fruit. Here it can mean that part of the wall of the thousand petaled lotuses.
Candramandala: The circle of moon, the moon considered as a region
Bindu: a point without dimension, concentration of luminous energy, symbol of SivaSakthi in oneness.
Madhya: middle, internal, centre point,
Nectar is a sugary fluid secreted within flowers to attract the insects, animals and others.
Elixir: a substance, usually a liquid with magical power to cure or preserve something, here the life of the Devargal.
Ambrosia is a substance held capable of prolonging life indefinitely or Amrita, a pleasant food for the Gods and Devargal extending their life indefinitely.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 24/25 March 2020.

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