Saturday, March 14, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 51: Shri Sarvabharana Bhusita (OM sarvAbharaNabhUShitAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother is Resplendent (attractive and impressive with richly colourful) with all kinds of ornaments on her body.

She shines using many ornaments from crown on Her head to gem studded ornaments on her body. The Kalika puranam is said to list forty ornaments for Her to wear from head to toe. However, there is no limit to Her ornaments in this universe.

If anyone has a poor/ugly figure or any other defect in the body, then in general ornaments can help the person to hide such negative things in the body. The Divine mother is totally faultless. These ornaments add further beauty to Her. However, these ornaments cannot fully improve the Divine Mother’s beauty. These ornaments in fact become merely decorative items on Her due to Her beautifulness. She is shinning on Her own powerful strength as the lady Emperor ruling the universe. Also as compared to Lord Siva, who is said to wear things like snakes and river Ganga, the Divine Mother’s is wearing mostly shinning gem studded ornaments.

Kalika Puranam: is one of the eighteen minor ancient Hindu puranas, mostly used in Bengal and in Assam in India.

Resplendent: attractive and impressive through being richly colourful ornament

Sarvabharana: with all her ornaments

Bhusita: adorned or decorated

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 14/15 March 2020.

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Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 689: Shri Rajya lakshmi (ōṃ rājyalakṣmyai namaḥ)

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