Thursday, March 12, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 49: Shri Sarvaruna (OM sarvAruNAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother is red in colour. She is red everywhere. Her complexion is fully red.

At Gross level the Divine mother’s ornaments and dresses (garments) are described as or portrayed as red. Even after coming out of Yoga fire lit by the Devargal, her complexion is red in colour. It is not the effect of Yoga fire. Red is Her original colour.

At the subtle level, when the universal affairs such as creation, maintenance and destruction are considered in Her disposition, she is still red in colour. Her subtle level activities can be termed as rajasic, which means vibrant/passionate having more simulating effect on one’s mind. Rajasic is red in colour.

The Lord Siva has Prakasa or Prakasamsa, meaning intelligent illumination in the Lord showing the light or splendour.

The Divine Mother is Vimarsa or Vimasarsama, meaning divine deliberation united with Lord Siva or the inside knowledge preserving the unison. The colour is shown as red.

For example the jothi is a prakasa aspect while the light emanating from the jothi is vimasara aspect.

Sakthi or the Divine Mother is projected as a seed and the tree that is hidden in the seed is Maheswaran or Lord Siva.

We have seen in earlier namam; the Divine Mother’s colour to be equated to Aruna, the SUN god’s driver of chariot who brings out the red colour before SUN rises in the morning. Aruna is rosy red. The radiance form her body, from head to toe is Aruna or red in colour.

Sarvaruna refers to Siva Sakthi (the Divine Mother) couple in unison. Both have origin in Mountain.

May the Divine Mother’s Aruna (red) colour or brilliance take away the ignorance in us and guide us to the higher level of knowledge.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 13 March 2020.

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