Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 56: Shri Sriman Nagara Nayika (OM shrImannagaranAyikAyai namaH)

From namam 52, we will be seeing the Divine Mother’s residence description up to Namam 63.

The Divine Mother is the ruler and or the boss of the most splendorous/auspicious city/ prosperous city or Srinagaram. Sriman is added as a respect for the Divine Mother.

The Divine Mother’s city Saubhagyapura (prosperous city) is on the middle peak of Mount Meru. This we saw in Namam 55. Also it is in the middle of ocean of nectar. This is also reflected in Namam 61 “Sudha Sagara Madhyastha” which we will see in detail soon. This auspicious city is called the SriCakara. There is also a hidden meaning to this present namam. Sri Cakram and  Kundalini in human body is the Divine Mother’s place of residences. The Divine Mother is the ruler of the Sricakara.

A cakaras is a revolving object. SriCakra is the symbol of revolving universe.

The description of SriCkara:

There is a square at the outset. Inside the square, there are three circles. Further inside this, there are sixteen petals in a circle and eight petals inside that; then comes in order going inwards a cakara of 14 triangles, then one of ten, another one of ten and then one of eight triangles.

Finally there is a triangle at the centre and a point (Bindu) at the centre. There is also a namam Bindu mandala Vasini which we will see later in detail.

Further we can try to visualize the SriCakra. Rather than seeing it as a picture on a plain surface, we can see it as a solid object. At the very top there is a point or Bindu is there. Below it, there is a triangle.This is also the tantric image of the human body. It is to be viewed as the image of the entire universe. These information or key point of SriCakara are well recorded in ancient Hindu sastras.

SriCakra becomes Merucakara when turned into an image.

Sage Adi Sankara/ Sankaracarya in the past had installed SriCakra in many of Divine Mother’s temples in India.

Various other names of SriCakra are: Cakraraja, Navayanickara, Viyatcakra and Matrkackara.

SriCkara is presided by the Divine Mother (Shri Lalitha Devi) who is the mother for all in the Universe. May I pray and attain the lotus feet of the Divine Mother sitting in the Bindu.

Additional meanings:
Nagara is a place filed with mountains and valleys with mountain like castles having beautiful places and parks with huge trees for sporting around.
Nectar is a sugary fluid secreted within flowers to encourage the insects, animals and others. Also it can mean as collected by bees to make honey.
                        Picture of SriCakra

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 19/20 March 2020.

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