Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 55: Shri sumEru Madhya SrungasthA or Sumeru Srnga Madhyastha (OM sumerumadhyasha {} RRi ~ NgasthAyai namaH)

From namam 52, we will be seeing the Divine Mother’s residence description up to Namam 63.

The Divine Mother sits on the middle of peak in Sumeru Mountain is the meaning of this namam. In some texts this namam had been written as: Sumeru srnga madhyastha.

The Tantrasastra provides additional help to understand the meaning of this namam. Sumeru, the golden mountain is holding the whole celestial universal world and entire creation.   It has three peaks like a triangular base. Bramha, Mahavishnu and Sivan occupy these three peaks. In between these three peaks, a higher central peak, the Sri Vidyanagaram is located. The Divine Mother lives or occupies in this central peak. This is an important concept to show that the Divine Mother is well above three Lords Brahma, Mahavishnu and Siva. The word peak is to be understood as a place which is difficult to reach.

In Sri Ramayanaya Sage Valmiki portraits the present mountains range Himalayas as Meru. This mountain is the living place of the Divine Mother. Due to Her unison with Lord Siva this mountain is also living place of united supreme self (Siva and the Divine mother). Mount Meru is said to connect the time bound material world to timeless divine celestial world. In humans, the spine connecting the muladhara to Sahasra is known Meru danda which is also considered as a living place for Siva and the Divine Mother in their unison.

Maya is the illusion. It is the material cause for any creation. As an example: Due to lack of light, a rope may be seen as a snake. Similarly due to our ignorance or darkness, we see this unreal world as real. When we gain the required knowledge, we realize that unreal nature of this materialistic world. This Maya is under the control of Mahesa (a form of universal Lord Siva). If we human offer sacrifice, the outcome of that action will be the fruits of such sacrifice will be to reach Paramaanandam or para Anandham or mukthi. When we do not offer such sacrifice, then we get caught in birth and death cycle.

In Ramayanam, Sita Devi gets separated from Lord Rama due the delusion on the spectacular golden deer. The lesson behind this is: If anyone is caught in the materialistic world due to attachment, they will be separated from the Paramaanandam or para Anandham. The deer example  in Ramayana to bring home the message that with good fragrance kasturi in deer’s own horns; deer will search all around for source of the fragrance. In a similar way, the human beings also search the God everywhere else except within one’s own self.

Sri Chakra: Sri Vidya, the Meru is a three dimensional structure termed as Sri Chakra. There are four Siva triangles and five sakthi (the Divine Mother) triangles. These four and five triangles combination is reflection of unison between Lord Siva and the Divine Mother.
Praying to the Divine Mother that I will soon have the darsan (sighting of) both the Divine Mother and Lord Siva in unison residing at the peak of Meru mountain.

Close enough meanings of words used:
Tantrasastra: hymns of the Rigveda with the meaning wrap or weaving; a profound science that exploits the sound form; connotes a system; a study of the absolute and the first principle.
Meru: the cosmic pillar of fire, mountain and a deity. Further, Regveda described Meru as an axle connecting two wheels of Indra’a car. The entire universe resolves around this cosmic axis.

C N Nachiappun

Singapore, 18/19 March 2020.

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