Sunday, March 15, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 53: Shri SIVA (OM shivAyai namaH)

From namam 52, we will be seeing the Divine Mother’s residence description up to Namam 63.

The Divine Mother bestows (confers or presents an honour) all that is auspicious.
Saiva (one of the main branches of modern Hinduism, devoted to the worship of the Lord Shiva as the supreme being) scriptures (sacred writings that are regarded as holy in particular in religious matters) say that the Divine Mother is the power behind all pervading (especially spreading through and perceived in every part of), all witnessing and all knowing actions in this universe. The difference is in feature or gender. They both are one supreme self.

The same Saiva scriptures also say that both Siva and the Divine Mother are inseparable, known as SHIVA. Some examples for such in separations are: Heat from fire, radiance from the Sun and Moonlight from Moon.

She is no other than Lord Shiva. There is no difference between them. She is always the auspicious figure giving moksa (where there is no more birth) for the devotee. She provides for all auspicious things in this universe.

Lord Siva can be seen in eight things: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sky, Sun, Moon and a male. This is according to Ashtothira satha namavali  (praising of the Lord in 108 names) for Dishnamurthy (a form of Lord Shiva who took the role as a Universal Guru or Teacher to sages and other devotees). In one of these eight types, the Air version is called Ishan (Lord). The wife of this Ishan is the Divine Mother named SHIVA.

She is the Goddess who gives us or takes us to the world of Lord Shiva. May the Divine Mother’s grace showers present us with a flash of Her divine gross form and bless us all.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 17 March 2020.

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Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 689: Shri Rajya lakshmi (ōṃ rājyalakṣmyai namaḥ)

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