Saturday, March 7, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 44: Shri Nakha Didhiti Sanchanna Namajjana Tamo Guna (OM nakhadIdhitisa ~ nChannanamajjanatamoguNAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother’s toenails’ radiance or illuminating splendor eliminates completely the ignorance and darkness from HER devotees who surrender (prostrate) at HER feet.

HER feet are not visible to normal humans. Ancient scholars had commented that Bramha and Vishnu were indirectly referred as devotees here in seeking more knowledge and power from the Divine Mother.

HER toenails are spreading light in the ground under HER feet. When a devotee touches HER feet, the light from HER toenails reaches the devotee’s head. This process takes away the devotee’s ignorance. Thus the Divine Mother does not need any special means or efforts to eliminate the devotee’s darkness/ignorance. The darkness cannot stand HER toenail’s power or light.

Essentially, touching HER feet takes away all the impurities from the mind of an exhaled devotee. Such instances are quoted well in the Mastsya Purana and the Padma purana which are part of eighteen major ancient puranas in Hindusim. The Padma purana is named after lotus. This is a form of mediation on Lord Krishna (Mahavishnu).

In summary, this namam means that the Divine Mother removes the ignorance of the devotees who surrender at HER feet.Her feet defeats the beauty of a Lotus.

Close enough meanings for some words used:

Prostrate: lying stretched out on the ground with one’s face downwards, especially in submission or to show respect.

Nakha: toenail

Didhiti: a ray of light, splendor brightness such as from Sun or Moonbeam.

Sanchanna: no one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. You are the only one who knows the sound of my heart from inside.

Namajjana: immersion or plunge deep.

Tamo guna: the quality of darkness or ignorance.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 08 March 2020.

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