Monday, April 6, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 72: Shri Bhanda Sainya Vadhodyukta SaktimVikrama Harsita (OM bhaNDasainyavadhodyuktashaktivikramaharShitAyai namaH)

In Namams 64 to 84, we will be seeing the Divine Mother destroying the Bhandasura.

The Divine Mother gets immense happiness on seeing the great courage shown by her army of divine commanders (Goddesses). They are ready to defeat Bhandsura’s army.

Bhanda is a soul confined to his senses and mind. His army is made of many parts and qualities of being dual with no specific systems.

This mantra can be considered that the Divine Mother gets great joy in the power of Sadhana (a disciplined and dedicated approach to learning the religious methods). This Sadhana has moved the kundalini to ajna cakara. It is ready to reach the Sahasrara.

The great courageous acts of Her army commanders are the type of Sadhana which conquer the kosas (sheath covering the atman. The atman is the innate bliss of the soul.)

The soul has two levels of existence. The bottom one is the animal or all creations or created jeevans    level (pasubhumika) which is free from samsara. The top one is the master level (patibhumika) which is at samsara.

Lord Siva is known as Pasupati, the master of animal or all creations or created jeevans   (Pasupatinatha temple is in Kadmandu in Nepal, Lord Krsna is said to have spent his younger days near this Pasupatinatha temple). The meaning is that the realization of the salvation is a process followed by the pasu or animal in becoming the Supreme Self (Lord Pasupati)

In summary, the Divine Mother with her ability to create many army commanders had destroyed the Bhandasura. She is very happy about her commanders’ acts of great courage. Also this implies that She is pleased to see the souls of her devotees reaching the Supreme Self.

Close enough meanings:
Samsara is the cycle of birth and death to which the life in this materialistic world is bound.
Valour is great courage in the face of danger especially in a battle.
Ajna cakara is between the eyes in forehead

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 05 April 2020.

1.       The Thousand Names of the Divine Mother published in English by Mata Amritanandamayi Center, San Ramon, California, USA, with Commentary by T. V Narayana Menon
2.       Shri Lalitha Ahasranama Stoistrom published in Tamil by N. Ramaswami Iyer charities’ societies, Trichirapalli, India, with Commentary by C. V. Radhakrishna Sastry.
3.      The Lalitha Sahasranamam published in Tamil by Shri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thiruipparaithurai,Trichy District, Tamilnadu, India with commentary by Shrimath Swami Sithbavandar.

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