Thursday, February 27, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 35: Shri Laksya Roma Lata Dharata Samunneya Madhyama (OM lakShyaromalatAdhAratAsamunneyamadhyamAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has almost invisible exceedingly slender or slim delicate waistline in a way that is attractive is the meaning of this namam.

HER hairline creeper springs out of HER waistline or HER waistline is hiding under the creeper, making it invisible? That is the best way HER waistline can be judged or understood or imagined. It all goes to say that SHE has a very slimmer waistline.

This namam is talking about the Divine Mother’s slimmer and attractive waistline. Further it is indicating the immense beauty of the Divine Mother.

Close enough meaning of:

Slender:  thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive.
Creeper: a plant that grows along the ground, or up walls or trees.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 28 February 2020.

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