Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 12: Shri Nijarua Prabha Pura Majjad Brahmanda Mandala (OM nijAruNaprabhApUramajjad brahmANDamaNDalAyai namaH)

The entire universe is immersed in the red effulgence. This is the from the Divine Mother’s powerful form.

It is a practice by sages to visualize the Divine Mother in reddish colour during their morning meditation. This red colour is said to be her true form. Again referring to Abirami Bhatter’s the very first song in Abirami Anthathi, he refers to the Divine Mother as the early morning sun rays in red colour.

The Divine Mother has immense red colour to rule the entire universe. But she only shows the limited red colour to the devotees for them to enjoy her full kindness to them. We cannot get or see this kindness in any others or in anything else. She is the ultimate source of power to the whole universe.

 As practised in everywhere, temples after the prayers Thiruneer (vepoothi) and Thirumannu are packed and given out from Male deities. This white colour represents the Male nature of the Lord in action. It is a practice from ancient times not to take out any whitish thing from temples, as it is said to be owned by the Lord (Siva).

After Devi’s prayers, the Kunkumam (red in colour) is given out to the devotees. This again confirms the Divine Mother’s nature in red colour.

The Chinese people, who got most principles of worship from Hindu sages and Buddha’s teachings originating from Hinduism, consider the red colour as auspicious in everything they do. All these have relevance to the Divine Mother’s reddish form in ruling the universe.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 05 February 2020.

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