Monday, February 24, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 32: Shri Ratna Graiveya Cintaka Lola Muktaphalanvita (OM ratnagraiveya chintAkalolamuktAphalAnvitAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother wears around HER neck an ornamental chain made of gem jewels (necklace) with a pearl locket (a dollar or a small ornamental case usually made of Gold or Silver, but here made with pearl). This ornament looks attractive and impressive through being richly colourful in HER neck.

Baskaraya, who first wrote the Sanskrit explanations for this Shri Lailtha Sahasranamam, splits the word Griaiveyacintakololamukta into three parts. They are namely: Graiveyacintaka, Lola and Mukta.The ornament what the Divine mother wears around HER neck is also in three parts, namely: Gem studded necklace, hanging chain and pearls.

Baskaraya, then, excellently compares the three parts of the neck ornament to three types of devotees who worship the Divine Mother.

Graiveyacintakas: These devotees who pray to the Divine Mother but they do not firmly fill their heart with the Divine Mother, like the gem studded necklace. Their spirituality can be considered in middle level.

Lolacintakas: These devotees with their desire for worldly things, seeking the Divine Mother’s favours, worship purely for their selfish needs. Their spiritual level is at the lowest, like the hanging chain of the ornament.

Muktacintakas: These devotees worship HER fully, without any specific desire. They can ultimately reach the Almighty or get Mukti for their soul with no more births. Their spirituality can be considered at the highest level, like the pearl present in the neck ornament.

Essentially the Divine Mother gives the devotee what he wants based on his devotion to her. In  Bhagavath Gita (IV-11), Lord Krishna had said:  In direct proportion to the shredha and Bhakthi (dedication and devotion) men approach ME, so do I reward them.

So it is what any one prays to the Divine Mother and asks for any thing, he will get the same in such prayers.

This wonderful concept is fully demonstrated through the neck ornament the Divine Mother is wearing. These Sahasranama names originally came from the Divine Mother HERSELF before being recorded by HER assistant Devi.

It goes to show the wonderful thought process of the Divine Mother to show and educate the devotees on HER kindness to help every soul in the universe.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 25 February 2020.

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