Thursday, February 6, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 14: Shri Kuruvinda Mani Srent Kanat Kotira Mansita (OM kuruvindamaNishreNIkanatkoTIramaNDitAyai namaH)

The meaning of this namam is that the Divine Mother is wearing a Kodeeram Crown with many rows of lotus coloured reddish gems. The point is that the Divine Mother does not ask for this special jewelry. It is the devotee who wishes to see the Divine Mother in that beautiful state.

Kuruvindam is a special lotus coloured reddish jewel. By adoring the Divine mother with it, all our desires are met. This gives us lead to learn good things. Prosperity in our life will improve. 
Advancement in profession will be there. Faith in praying to the Divine Mother will increase. Even to think of it will give many great things in our life.

The Divine Mother’s crown is a special type goes by the name Kodeeram. The divine Mother’s hair and the flower apperance will not be hidden but still be clearly visible to the devotee with this Kodeeram crown. The one worn by male is called Magudam which will hide the hair of the wearer.

For a child a beautiful dress and gold chain is not that it is asking for. It is the child’s mother who wishes that her child ought to look well in beautiful dress and gold chain. For the child a black chain or a gold chain does not matter.

For example, Thirupathi Lord Balaji does not ask for beautiful diamond studded jewelry costing millions of rupees, but the devotees yet wish to offer such beautiful jewelry to the Lord. Similarly offering a Gold 1000 coins chain containing all the names of this Lalitha Sahasranama names inscribed in each gold coin is not what the Kanchi Kamatchi Amman wanted, but yet it was offered by late Kanchi Periyavar. There can be numerous examples of this nature we see and hear that the devotees want to see their preferred deity dressed up with such fine jewelry for their own satisfaction.

An army Captain does not look the same in civilian dress as he is in uniform. Yet he is no different as an individual in normal life. But to represent his official status the Captain still wears the uniform. The Queen Elizabeth in her 90s still wears the ceremonial dresses which go with all such jewelries, not for her own satisfaction but to meet the expectation of her subjects.

A devotee, who wants to unload his sorrows to the Divine Mother, knows that her appearance with such special jewelries is only for his understanding her high status. The Divine Mother is the same kinder person with or without such special jewelry.

The basic principle in dressing up the Divine Mother with many layers of fine jewelries is showing her status to the devotee. The Divine Mother’s original reddish figure is enriched with this lotus coloured Kodeeram Crown having many fine gems in it.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 07 February 2020.

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