Monday, February 10, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 18: Shri Vakra Lakshmi Parivaha Calan Minabha Locana (OM vaktralakShmIparIvAhachalanmInAbhalochanAyai namaH)

The meaning of this namam can be stated as: The Divine Mother’s eyes pose the shinning soft glow (luster) of a fish. From the Divine mother’s face this beautiful luster is moving over like a stream. Like a fish, the Divine Mother’s eyes never close. With those always open eyes, the Divine Mother blesses and helps her devotees at all times.

The beauty of the Divine Mother’s face is changing every second. This change over is like a slow moving stream of water flow which attract the mind of the devotee. In this beautiful environment the Divine mother’s two eyes are looking like two fishes. Fishes take care more of their children by their kinder looks at the children than physically feeding them. Likewise the Divine Mother takes care of her devotee’s needs without any asking by the devotee with her always open eyes. There is a linkage to Namam 989 the Vangitharthaprathayini which explains that the Divine Mother provides the devotee’s needs without asking. This she does not only for any one individual alone but for the whole universal creatures.

The Divine Mother’s simple glance surely comes to a devotee’s help. Abirami Bhatter in Abirami Anthathi 69 the song talks about her Kadaikkan parvai (glancing through her eyes).

69. சகல சௌபாக்கியங்களும் அடைய
தனந்தரும்; கல்வி தரும்; ஒருநாளும் தளர்வறியா
மனந்தரும்; தெய்வ வடிவுந்தரும்; நெஞ்சில் வஞ்சமில்லா
இனந்தரும்; நல்லன எல்லாம் தரும்; அன்பர் என்பவர்க்கே
கனந்தரும் பூங்குழலாள் அபிராமி கடைக்கண்களே.
Again in his 79 th song Abirami Bhatter, at the critical moment before being put into fire by the visiting king’s orders, talks about the Divine Mother’s eyes having the power to bless and save a devotee. On that new moon day, at 79 th song stage, the Divine Mother threw her shinning ear rings (Thodu) into the open air. The whole open space looked brighter than a full moon day which the Abirami Bhatter earlier by mistake had told the King that it was a full moon day. Thus at that difficult situation the Divine Mother had saved the Abirami Bhatter and blessed him for his untiring devotion to her.
79. கட்டுகளில் இருந்து விடுபட
விழிக்கே அருளுண்டு; அபிராமவல்லிக்கு வேதம்சொன்ன
வழிக்கே வழிபட நெஞ்சுண்டு; எமக்கு அவ்வழி கிடக்கப்
பழிக்கே சுழன்று எம் பாவங்களே செய்து பாழ்நரகக்
குழிக்கே அழுந்தும் கயவர் தம்மோடு என்ன கூட்டினியே.
Nattaransankottai is a place where the Goddess is known as Kannathal (Reference to Eye of the Divine Mother) with lots of history behind her kindness to her devotees. Kannathal’s temple is said to be a good Parigara place for eye related problems.
The fish never closes its eye. It never closes and opens its eye lids, Her eyes are long and fish shaped. So the eye of the fish is always open. Fish in Tamil is called Meen. Like the fish, the Divine Mother’s eye is never closed. She looks after the devotee’s needs with always opened eyes. The Tamil version for a fish is Meen plus her controlling action is referred as akshi, the full name Meenakshi comes about. A devotee’s sincere prayers to Madurai Meenakshi is said to be a good parigaram for any problems linked to planet Mercury (Buthan).
The Divine Mother is having slow moving streaming eyes. Similar to a fish, these eyes never close. These eyes are always open .They have power to bless and help the devotee, without even asking for the Divine Mother’s help.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 11 February 2020.

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