Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 34: Shri Nabhyalavala Romali Lata Phala Kuca Dvayi (OM nAbhyAlavAlaromAlilatAphalakuchadvayyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has a deeper navel. From the depth of this navel, the hairlines start to spread upwards. They look like a creeper (similar to a plant that grows around another plant or up a wall by extending stems or branches). The Divine Mother’s breasts resembling like fruits which are held on this creeper.

This is an excellent comparison to bring out HER beauty to real nature level.

The Divine Mother’s breasts are providing nectar (a sugary fluid secreted within flower to encourage the insects and animals to come to the flower) of Love to the souls in the universe.

This namam is part of the process of describing the beauty of the Divine Mother and at the same time to show how HER beautiful figure can help her devotees.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 27 February 2020.

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