Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 33: Shri Kamesvara Prema Ratna Mani Pratipana Stani (OM kAmeshvarapremaratnamaNipratipaNastanyai namaH)

Lord Kameswaran presents a gift; a Gem of Love to the Divine Mother. SHE in return makes HER breasts as the object for Lord Kameswaran’s worship.

The Divine Mother understands fully the Lord Kameswaran’s devotion to HER. Here the worship issue is the key than the any other thing like sexual aspect. The ancient scholars had commented that the Lord Kameswaran (Lord Siva) gave the Divine Mother one Gem of Love. The Divine Mother had offered the Gems in her that are much more valuable. SHE had offered her Breasts as objects for worship with HER faithfulness or loyalty and support or fidelity to Lord Kameswaran.

If any one wishes to attain any highly valuable object, then he or she has to offer much more valuable item in return to the other party. This is natural law or rule.

The Divine Mother’s Love for Lord Kameswaran is in no way inferior to that of Lord Kameswaran’s Love to HER.

In essence, this namam concludes that the Divine Mother’s breasts are able to attract Lord Kameswaran. This makes him ultimately worshipping them.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 26 February 2020.

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