Saturday, February 29, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 37: Shri Arunaruna Kausumbha Vasta Bhasuat Katitati (OM aruNAruNakausumbhavastrabhAsvatkaTItaTyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has broad hips covered by a silky garment. This garment is red in colour similar to the raising morning Sun. The Safflower (Kausumbha) red blossoms extract is used to dye the Divine Mother’s garment.

Kausumbha (Safflower) extract is commonly used to dye the clothes.

Kausumbha Vasta: The cloth which is dyed with extract from Kausumbha or Safflower.

Two types of garments are best liked by the Divine mother:

1.     Raktamsukadha:  A blood red (deep red) garment.
2.     Pitavastra: Yellow coluored garment.

Aruna is reddish brown or the charioteer for Sun God. It is used here to mean that Aruna the Sun charioteer brings the reddishness to the world before the Sun raises.
Arunaruna is used two times to express the deep reddishness.

Safflower can be defined as an orange flowered thistle or like Eurasian plant with seeds that yield edible oil and petals which are used to produce a red or yellow dye.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 01 March 2020.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 36: Shri Stana Bhara Dalan Madhya Patta Bandha Vali Traya (OM stanabhAradalanmadhyapaTTabandhavalitrayAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has three golden coloured folds in her abdomen. They act like a belt to support HER very slim waist to hold the full weight of HER breasts, without the waist being broken.

The Laksanasastra (the science of human body marks and features) says that the women’s beautify is increased or enhanced with such three folds in the abdomen.

The Divine Mother’s abdomen three golden folds seem like three golden strands tied together there. They give strength to HER slim waist. Without these three folds HER waist which is very slim may break with the full load of her breasts.

This namam brings in the common science thinking to hold the weight of an object. It beautifully links the slim waist and heavy breasts of the Divine Mother.

Abdomen: the part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly.

Lakshanam: means features.

Sastra: specialized knowledge in a defined area of practice.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 29 February 2020.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 35: Shri Laksya Roma Lata Dharata Samunneya Madhyama (OM lakShyaromalatAdhAratAsamunneyamadhyamAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has almost invisible exceedingly slender or slim delicate waistline in a way that is attractive is the meaning of this namam.

HER hairline creeper springs out of HER waistline or HER waistline is hiding under the creeper, making it invisible? That is the best way HER waistline can be judged or understood or imagined. It all goes to say that SHE has a very slimmer waistline.

This namam is talking about the Divine Mother’s slimmer and attractive waistline. Further it is indicating the immense beauty of the Divine Mother.

Close enough meaning of:

Slender:  thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive.
Creeper: a plant that grows along the ground, or up walls or trees.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 28 February 2020.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 34: Shri Nabhyalavala Romali Lata Phala Kuca Dvayi (OM nAbhyAlavAlaromAlilatAphalakuchadvayyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has a deeper navel. From the depth of this navel, the hairlines start to spread upwards. They look like a creeper (similar to a plant that grows around another plant or up a wall by extending stems or branches). The Divine Mother’s breasts resembling like fruits which are held on this creeper.

This is an excellent comparison to bring out HER beauty to real nature level.

The Divine Mother’s breasts are providing nectar (a sugary fluid secreted within flower to encourage the insects and animals to come to the flower) of Love to the souls in the universe.

This namam is part of the process of describing the beauty of the Divine Mother and at the same time to show how HER beautiful figure can help her devotees.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 27 February 2020.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 33: Shri Kamesvara Prema Ratna Mani Pratipana Stani (OM kAmeshvarapremaratnamaNipratipaNastanyai namaH)

Lord Kameswaran presents a gift; a Gem of Love to the Divine Mother. SHE in return makes HER breasts as the object for Lord Kameswaran’s worship.

The Divine Mother understands fully the Lord Kameswaran’s devotion to HER. Here the worship issue is the key than the any other thing like sexual aspect. The ancient scholars had commented that the Lord Kameswaran (Lord Siva) gave the Divine Mother one Gem of Love. The Divine Mother had offered the Gems in her that are much more valuable. SHE had offered her Breasts as objects for worship with HER faithfulness or loyalty and support or fidelity to Lord Kameswaran.

If any one wishes to attain any highly valuable object, then he or she has to offer much more valuable item in return to the other party. This is natural law or rule.

The Divine Mother’s Love for Lord Kameswaran is in no way inferior to that of Lord Kameswaran’s Love to HER.

In essence, this namam concludes that the Divine Mother’s breasts are able to attract Lord Kameswaran. This makes him ultimately worshipping them.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 26 February 2020.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 32: Shri Ratna Graiveya Cintaka Lola Muktaphalanvita (OM ratnagraiveya chintAkalolamuktAphalAnvitAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother wears around HER neck an ornamental chain made of gem jewels (necklace) with a pearl locket (a dollar or a small ornamental case usually made of Gold or Silver, but here made with pearl). This ornament looks attractive and impressive through being richly colourful in HER neck.

Baskaraya, who first wrote the Sanskrit explanations for this Shri Lailtha Sahasranamam, splits the word Griaiveyacintakololamukta into three parts. They are namely: Graiveyacintaka, Lola and Mukta.The ornament what the Divine mother wears around HER neck is also in three parts, namely: Gem studded necklace, hanging chain and pearls.

Baskaraya, then, excellently compares the three parts of the neck ornament to three types of devotees who worship the Divine Mother.

Graiveyacintakas: These devotees who pray to the Divine Mother but they do not firmly fill their heart with the Divine Mother, like the gem studded necklace. Their spirituality can be considered in middle level.

Lolacintakas: These devotees with their desire for worldly things, seeking the Divine Mother’s favours, worship purely for their selfish needs. Their spiritual level is at the lowest, like the hanging chain of the ornament.

Muktacintakas: These devotees worship HER fully, without any specific desire. They can ultimately reach the Almighty or get Mukti for their soul with no more births. Their spirituality can be considered at the highest level, like the pearl present in the neck ornament.

Essentially the Divine Mother gives the devotee what he wants based on his devotion to her. In  Bhagavath Gita (IV-11), Lord Krishna had said:  In direct proportion to the shredha and Bhakthi (dedication and devotion) men approach ME, so do I reward them.

So it is what any one prays to the Divine Mother and asks for any thing, he will get the same in such prayers.

This wonderful concept is fully demonstrated through the neck ornament the Divine Mother is wearing. These Sahasranama names originally came from the Divine Mother HERSELF before being recorded by HER assistant Devi.

It goes to show the wonderful thought process of the Divine Mother to show and educate the devotees on HER kindness to help every soul in the universe.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 25 February 2020.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 31: Shri Kanakangada keyura Kamaniya Bhujanvita (OM kanakA ~ NgadakeyUrakamanIyamujAnvitAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother wears Golden Armlets named Angada and Keyura. Those armlets worn in Her upper arms are adorning or more beautiful or attracting in nature.

Angada is kept closer to the elbow. This is worn by solders to save from wounds in a war or fight. Keyura is kept higher much closer to the shoulder to add beauty to the wearer. There two types of armlets are made in different shapes.

The Divine Mother had been crowned as the Empress by the Devargal (Sages). She as the leader wears those two armlets namely Angada and Keyura. She wears them in four upper arms and two shoulders. Remember we had seen in earlier namam that she has four arms to help out her devotees.

As recorded in the verge for mediating on Lord Siva, He is described as wearing serpents in coils form resembling to Angada and Keyura armlets.

Angada: Means bracelet with beautiful limbs

Keyura: This name originated in Hindi. It is an armlet of success. The persons having the name Keyura have luck in monetary terms. They are likely to earn lots of money in their lives. It is worth noting this for future use in naming an enterprise or a facility or a brand for a product looking for a good revenue flow. The Keyura name has the numerological link to number 9.

As an Empress, the Divine Mother wears two Golden armlets with appropriate  reasons and to give beautiful look to Her.

C N Nachiappun

Singapore, 24 February 2020.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 30: Shri Kamesa Baddha Mangalya Sutra Sobhita Kandhara (OM kAmeshabaddhamA ~ NgalyasUtrashobhitakandharAyai namaH)

Thirumangalya Sutra (Thalli in Tamil) tied by Lord Kameswaran makes the Divine Mother’s neck more beautiful or attractive is the literal meaning of this Namam.

The Divine Mother is married to Lord Siva.

But She rose from yoga fire set up by the Devargal (Sages) seeking her help against Pandasuran’s evil deeds. The Devargal wondered as to whom She was to be married before She would be made an Empress. Of all the suitors at that point, Lord Siva in Kameswaraan form was best suited to Her. At a bridegroom selection ceremony, She threw in the air a wedding garland which fell on Kameswaran’s neck as husband chosen.

Earlier this Kameswaran (Lord Siva) had completely destroyed the Kaman (Manmathan), the Lord of desire or love. Now on the Divine Mother’s wishes, the Lord Siva gave life back to Kaman or Manmathan and to become a friend to him. For Manmathan, Lord Siva was the lord or Eswaran or who saved him. So Lord Siva got another name as Kameswaran. With the life given to Manmathan by Lord Siva, the wife of Manmathan, the Rathi, also got a new marriage and a new Mangalya Sutra.

In Soundariya Lahari, The Sage Adi Sankarar mentioned that the three strands of the Divine Mother’s marriage thread (Mangalya Sutra) tied by Kameswaran  were visible even during the Adi Sankarar’s times(and even as of now) as three folds in the Divine Mother’s neck.

The Divine Mother’s wonderful marriage to Lord Kameswaran is detailed in Lathitopakhyana. This is a great narrative of Lalitha. This is part of the Brahmanada Purana (found in fourth section there in) written as a dialogue between Hayagreevar (an avatar of MahaVishnu) and Sage Agatsya.

Upakhyana means a narrative or story.

The Lalitha Sahasranama verges belong to Uttarakhanda (later part) of Brahmanda Purana. According to S K Ramachandra Rao, a well educated person in Shri Lalitha Sahasranama verges, these verges appear in chapter 41, 42. 43 and 44 in Brahmanda Purana. There are supposedly 320 verges in total.

C N Nachiappun

Singapore, 23 February 2020.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 29: Shri Anakalita Sadrsya Cibuka Sri Virajita (OM anAkalitasAdRRishyachibukashrIvirAjitAyai namaH)

The Namam talks about the Divine Mother’s chin saying that it cannot be compared to any other thing in the Universe.

The Divine Mother’s beauty is unparalleled. The beautiful face, golden colour, softness like a lotus, excellent likeable fragrance and all the kindness in the eyes to see the devotees are all the things the Divine Mother has within Her. We can expand ABCDEG to say about the Divine Mother’s uniqueness. ABCDEG can be expanded as: "Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant and gorgeous". There is no match able example can be given in comparison to Her beauty. 

When we want to compare a new thing A to a similar known thing B, we should know well enough about the known thing B. Otherwise such comparison of A to B, will end up in guessing about A. This result will be waste of effort to compare.

Overall the Divine Mother’s beauty is unique. There is no such beauty attainable by anybody else in this universe.

The assistant Devi who recorded this namam could not find a suitable match to the Divine Mother’s Chin.

From Namam 13 to this Namam 29, we have so far covered the description of the Divine Mother’s beautiful face.

In future Namams, we will proceed to describe Her body on wards.

C N Nachiappun

Singapore, 22 February 2020.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 28: Shri Manda Smita Prabha Pura Majjat Kamesa Manasa (OM mandasmitaprabhApUramajjatkAmeshamAnasAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has a brilliant radiant smile. This Divine Mother’s smile radiance causes the (Kameswaran’s) Lord Siva’s mind to be disturbed with Kama. This has been captured in writing this namam by the assistant Devi.

Kaman is the Lord of desire or love. Lord Siva had vanquished or defeated thoroughly the Kaman. One of the names for Lord Siva is Kameswaran for destroying Kaman.

The beautiful Divine Mother rose from Yoga fire set up the Devergal seeking her help to destroy Pandasuran, the evil force. The Devergal decided to make her the (lady) Emperor. But before that her marriage has to be done. Lord Siva was the correct person to be her husband. But Lord Siva was having snake around his neck, Ganges River was flowing from his head and he was having the moon also on his head. The Devergal were worried under such conditions with Lord Siva to get married to the Divine Mother. The Lord Siva turned himself into a handsome young man ready to marry the Divine Mother. The Divine Mother’s radiant smile was up disturbing the mind of the handsome young the Lord Siva or the Kameswaran. The assistant Devi had captured Lord Siva’s mind disturbance well in this namam.

·       submerge: Cause something to be under water or something. Here the Divine Mother’s  radiant smile is submerging the mind of Kameswaran

·       vanquish: defeat or destroy thoroughly. Here the Kameswaran is vanquishing the Kaman.

·       Kama: Kama means "desire, wish or longing". In contemporary literature, Kama refers usually  to sexual desire. 

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 21 February 2020.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 27: Shri Nija Sallapa Madhurya Vinirbhartsita Kacchapi (OM nijasallApamAdhurya vinirbhatsitakachChapyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has a much sweeter speech than the sweetness of Devi Saraswathi’s Vina.

This comparison is to suggest that the Devi Saraswathi’s (The Goddess of speech and knowledge) Vina sweetness is inferior to the Divine Mother’s speech.

Great Sage Adi Sankarar in Soundariya Lahari verse 66 says that “The Divine Mother your are nodding your head and applauding Saraswathi Devi’s Vina sweetness. Devi Saraswathi is playing the praises on Lord Siva’s noble deeds. At this stage, the Divine Mother starts to appreciate Saraswathi Devi. Saraswathi Devi gets shy and covers or closes her Vina.  The Divnie Mother, your melodious soft voice is much sweeter than Saraswathi Devi’s Vina.

All these go to prove that the Divine Mother’s voice is very soft and sweeter than any other musical notes or any other universal person’s speech which may have any sweetness.

Soundariya Lahari: Great Sage Adi Sankarar had given many valuable prayer slogams. He had put together 100 verges in Sanskrit glorifying the Divine Mother’s beauty as Soundariya Lahari. It is said that about 40 verges were given to him in Himalaya by the Almighty. Under instructions from the Almighty he had made up the balance verses, to make it to 100. This is a wonderful prayer song to bring out the beauty of the Divine Mother.

Abirami Bhatter had done Abirami Anthathi in Tamil, also 100verges, which covers most part of Soundariya Lahari glorifying details. It is said that one has to have the Bakiyam or gift to use such Soundariya Lahari in praying to the Divine Mother.

 Lahari means "Music of the waves, sound of the waves"

C N Nachiappun

Singapore, 20 February 2020.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 26: Shri Karpura Vitikamoda Samakarsad Digantara (OM karpUravITikAmodasamAkarShi digantarAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother likes very much to chew the betel roll (Vitika) laden with Camphor. The smell or fragrance of this betel roll is pulling devotees from every direction in the universe towards the Divine Mother seeking Her blessings.

Many fragrant medicinal value materials are added to this betel roll. The materials such as Cardamom, Camphor, Coconut, Black pepper, Ginger, Lime and many more fragrant  ones go in to this betel roll.

This betel roll’s fragrance from the Divine mother’s mouth spreads far and wide. Her devotees are attracted from all over the universe to seek her blessings.

The purpose is to get the attention of devotees with such fragrance spreading and to draw them closer to Her to get Her blessings and kindness.

Close enough meanings for some words used in this article:
·        Vikita: Small sized beda or tambulamu or betel roll
·        Laden: heavily loaded or weighed down

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 19 February 2020.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 25: Shri Suddha Vidyankurakara Dvija Pankti Dvayojjvala (OM shuddhavidyA ~ NkurAkAradvijapa ~ NktidvayojjvalAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother’s radiant teeth are compared to the buds of pure knowledge in this namam. The whole explanation brings out the important Sri Vidya worshiping details relating to the knowledge.

Dvija means having two births, like teeth, birds and Brahmanas.

In infancy, two teeth appear initially and later two rows of permanent sixteen teeth in each row will come up. These sixteen teeth represent sixteen syllables of sound.

The birds first have eggs and later when they hatch, baby birds come out in second stage.

The Brahmana will have two births as well, namely, originally a Sudra by birth from his own mother and as Brahmana after studying the Vedas.

Likewise, the Divine Mother’s Dvija on teeth have radiance which is being praised in this namam. The Divine Mother’s smile takes away all impurities and spreads lightings up on the devotee.

Suddha Vidya or Sri Vidya or Sodasa Vidya is all the same, having sixteen syllables mantra. Sixteen syllables mantra illuminates the heart of the worshipper. The Divine Mother’s teeth take away all the darkness from the heart and make it blissful. The light of knowledge takes away the darkness of ignorance from the devotees. 

Three hymns by three great sages namely Durvasas, Gaudapadacarya and Sri Sankaracarya had firmly dealt with Sri Vidya worship methods. In practical level, Shri Lalitha Sahasranama deals with Sri Vidya worship. Manu, the Moon, Kubera (the lord of wealth), Lopamudra, Manmatha, Agastya (the great sage), Agni (the lord of Fire), Suriya (the Sun), Subramaya (the Lord Muruga), Lord Siva and Durvasas all have worshipped Sri Vidya or the Divine Mother.

Like a seed which grows into a tree, the mantra contains within it all the powers to give to the devotees. Mantra starts from muladhara and after passing through Para, Pasyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari, reach the tongue. Para is a germinal state. Like a seed that swells with soil and water mantra moves into Pasyanti stage, from there it goes to Madhyama stage. Subsequently, the mantra reaches Vaikhari stage. Two things of the mantra namely Sound and meaning unfold into one undivided entity as mantra.

Suddhavidya talks about the Divine Mother’s subtle body, which is in three parts as described earlier by Baskaraya. He was the one who first wrote the meaning for Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam in Sanskrit. Every one aspiring to learn more about Shri Lalitha’s names have relied on Baskaraya’s first writings in Sanskrit.
The first Agnimandala  (the disc of the Fire). This is from Mualadhara (the seat of Kundalini) to Anahatacakra in the heart. It is very bright area and looking like a fire.

The second is Suryamandala (the disc of the Sun) from heart to between eyebrows (also called Ajnacakra). This is said to have 10 million suns brightness.

The third is Chandramandala (the disc of the moon) from Ajnacakra to the Brahmandhra in crown. This also said to have 10 million Moons brightness.

The Divine Mother’s radiant teeth give out pure knowledge to the devotees. The important Sri Vidya worshiping details relating to the knowledge had been brought out in this namam.
Provided are the close enough meanings for some words used in this article:
·        Divija: Born in heaven or having two births
·        Sri Vidya: The Goddess of wealth and Knowledge
·        Blissful: Extremely happy
·        Hymn: A religious poem of praise to God
·        Lopamudra: wife of Sage Agastya, a learned lady
·        Manmatha: God of human love or desire
·        Muladhara: Root and basis of existence
·        Para: By extension from the senses or as next to or beyond
·        Pasyanti: The first visible manifestation of speech
·        Madhyama: of a middle kind or middling or moderate
·         Vaikhari: according to Hindu and yogic philosophy, the last of four stages that sound goes through as it comes to be perceptible and audible. As such, it is believed that sound starts at the root chakra and travels up to the throat to be expressed as vaikhari.
·        Ajnachakra : third-eye chakra, is the sixth primary chakra in the body 

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 18 February 2020.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 24: Shri Nava Vidruma Bimba Sri Nyakkari Radana Cchada (OM navavidrumabimbashrInyakkAriradanachChadAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother’s natural reddish lips have excellent reflective splendor (magnificent and splendid appearance).

These lips have better reflective effect than that freshly cut Coral and Bimba (Sanskrit word meaning the fruit which is used often to compare the reflective nature of women’s lips)

It can be said that the lips of the Divine Mother shine more like a reflective Bimba fruit and Coral fruit freshly cut.

These all descriptions goes to mean that of the Divine mother’s reddish full facial sections have original beauty which cannot be excelled by any other known objects. Such is the beauty of Divine Mother.

                                                       Freshly cut Coral fruit

                                          Bimba fruit as described in Vedic literatures.


C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 17 February 2020.

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 23: Shri Padma Raga Siladarsa paribhvi Kapola Bhuh (OM padmarAgashilAdarshaparibhAvikapolabhuve namaH)

The Divine Mother’s cheeks are much more beautiful than the mirrors made of rubies.

The Divine Mother’s rubby (having a healthy red colour) cheeks have greater radiance. This radiance of the Divine Mother is better than that of the rubies even when these rubies are polished as mirrors.

The Divine Mother’s polished cheeks will have faultless radiance. Her husband Kameswaran (Lord Siva) in order to see his facial beauty will keep his face much closer to the Divine Mother’s lotus like reddish cheeks.

The original beauty of the Divine Mother‘s cheeks is better than of a padmaraga sapphire. Such padmaraga sapphire will have a particular mix of orange and pink colour (like the colour of lotus) Padma means lotus and raga means colour.

It is the Divine Mother’s own right to have a beautiful lotus coloured radiant cheeks.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 16 February 2020.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 22: Shri Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa mandala (OM tATa ~ NkayugalIbhUtatapanoDupamaNDalAyai namaH)

The Sun and Moon have become large earrings or pendants worn by the Divine Mother.

Imagine, the Divine Mother having such a large ear pendants in the forms of Sun and Moon. The meaning is that in comparison the sun and Moon are easily bent (pliant) to become her ornaments.

There is yet another different comparison wherein the Sun and Moon are compared to Her eyes and other parts.

Essentially, the Sun and Moon have the fortune to be the Divine Mother’s eye, breasts or asana. When the Divine mother is beautified, both the Sun and Moon become her big ear rings.

All these goes to prove the point that the Sun and Moon are her servants to do anything she wishes. She is the one who controls such planets in ruling and providing for all the living creatures in the universe.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 15 February 2020.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 21: Shri Kadamba Manjari Klpta Karnapura Manohara (OM kadambama ~ njarIklRRiptakarNapUramanoharAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother is very charming or capable of attracting the minds of the devotees to hold an interest in her. Kadamba flowers are worn around her ears looking like her ornaments for her ears adding to her immense beauty.

Kadamba flower is part of the Kalpaga Virucham, a desire fulfilling tree according to Vedic scriptures. A Virucham or a tree gives oxygen, life, shadow, rain and food etc for the mankind. This is useful for all living creatures.  

The Divine Mother is mostly shown as having Kadamba blossoms behind her ears, which adds to her original beauty.  She is said to like the Kadamba forest. Needless to say that Kadamba trees are one of her favourites.

Actually in one of the later namams is talking about her place of living “SRIPURAM”. Just outside this Sripuram or Chintahmani Graham (house) there is supposed to be a Kadamba forest.

Madurai Meenakshi is portrayed as Kadamba vana vasini, meaning that she lives in a Kadamba Vanam (forest). Well, now a day, we do not see much of Kadamba flowers in Madurai. There are more of whitish Jasmine flowers coming out of Madurai now. There is a good commercial trade in Jasmine flowers these days.

The Divine Mother with Kadamba flower in her ears is more beautiful looking. She attracts the minds of her devotees very much.

                                             Kadamba flower not blossomed yet.                                             

Kadamba flower blossoming

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 14 February 2020.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 20: Shri Tara Kanti Tiras Kari Nasabharana Bhasura (OM tArAkAntitiraskArinAsAbharaNabhAsurAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother has a shining diamond studded a nose ornament (Mookuthi in Tamil) which is brighter than the glow (luster) of stars in the sky.

Tara in Sanskrit means a bright star or planet, specifically Mars (Mangala in Hindi) and Venus (Sukra in Hindi). Mars and Venus are thought of as deities. In the sky, they are brighter.

The Divine Mother’s nose ornament is many times brighter than the luster of these two planets mars and Venus. Reflection from the Divine Mother nose Ornament is ever lasting without an end to it.

If we remember Abirami Bhatter was saved by the desire of mother's action from being thrown into fire by the Divine Mother’s action. The Divine Mother threw upwards in to the sky her shining and brighter ornament which had the much larger brightness than the full moon. This brightness in the sky convinced the visiting King what Abirami Bhatter said was correct as Full Moon day. The King had released Abirami Bhatter to spare Bhatter’s life.

The Divine Mother’s ornaments are shining and are reflecting light with everlasting brightness.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 13 February 2020.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 19: Shri Navacampaka Pushpabha Nasa Dand Virajita (OM navachampakapuShpAbhanAsAdaNDavirAjitAyai namaH)

The Divine Mother’s nose is so attractive, splendid and impressive by being richly colourful and glowing as newly blossoming Campaka flower.

A flower opens up gradually and very slowly. This blossoming is a magnificent process to watch.

Campaka is soft, beautiful and attractive flower. Similar to Campaka flower’s stem, the Divine Mother’s nose is long and very beautiful and impressive.

The Divine Mother’s nose can be said to be as impressive as similar to Campaka flower blossoming. 
                                             1.  Campaka Flower seen at blossoming stage.


       2. A Campaka Flower already Blossomed 

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 12 February 2020.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 18: Shri Vakra Lakshmi Parivaha Calan Minabha Locana (OM vaktralakShmIparIvAhachalanmInAbhalochanAyai namaH)

The meaning of this namam can be stated as: The Divine Mother’s eyes pose the shinning soft glow (luster) of a fish. From the Divine mother’s face this beautiful luster is moving over like a stream. Like a fish, the Divine Mother’s eyes never close. With those always open eyes, the Divine Mother blesses and helps her devotees at all times.

The beauty of the Divine Mother’s face is changing every second. This change over is like a slow moving stream of water flow which attract the mind of the devotee. In this beautiful environment the Divine mother’s two eyes are looking like two fishes. Fishes take care more of their children by their kinder looks at the children than physically feeding them. Likewise the Divine Mother takes care of her devotee’s needs without any asking by the devotee with her always open eyes. There is a linkage to Namam 989 the Vangitharthaprathayini which explains that the Divine Mother provides the devotee’s needs without asking. This she does not only for any one individual alone but for the whole universal creatures.

The Divine Mother’s simple glance surely comes to a devotee’s help. Abirami Bhatter in Abirami Anthathi 69 the song talks about her Kadaikkan parvai (glancing through her eyes).

69. சகல சௌபாக்கியங்களும் அடைய
தனந்தரும்; கல்வி தரும்; ஒருநாளும் தளர்வறியா
மனந்தரும்; தெய்வ வடிவுந்தரும்; நெஞ்சில் வஞ்சமில்லா
இனந்தரும்; நல்லன எல்லாம் தரும்; அன்பர் என்பவர்க்கே
கனந்தரும் பூங்குழலாள் அபிராமி கடைக்கண்களே.
Again in his 79 th song Abirami Bhatter, at the critical moment before being put into fire by the visiting king’s orders, talks about the Divine Mother’s eyes having the power to bless and save a devotee. On that new moon day, at 79 th song stage, the Divine Mother threw her shinning ear rings (Thodu) into the open air. The whole open space looked brighter than a full moon day which the Abirami Bhatter earlier by mistake had told the King that it was a full moon day. Thus at that difficult situation the Divine Mother had saved the Abirami Bhatter and blessed him for his untiring devotion to her.
79. கட்டுகளில் இருந்து விடுபட
விழிக்கே அருளுண்டு; அபிராமவல்லிக்கு வேதம்சொன்ன
வழிக்கே வழிபட நெஞ்சுண்டு; எமக்கு அவ்வழி கிடக்கப்
பழிக்கே சுழன்று எம் பாவங்களே செய்து பாழ்நரகக்
குழிக்கே அழுந்தும் கயவர் தம்மோடு என்ன கூட்டினியே.
Nattaransankottai is a place where the Goddess is known as Kannathal (Reference to Eye of the Divine Mother) with lots of history behind her kindness to her devotees. Kannathal’s temple is said to be a good Parigara place for eye related problems.
The fish never closes its eye. It never closes and opens its eye lids, Her eyes are long and fish shaped. So the eye of the fish is always open. Fish in Tamil is called Meen. Like the fish, the Divine Mother’s eye is never closed. She looks after the devotee’s needs with always opened eyes. The Tamil version for a fish is Meen plus her controlling action is referred as akshi, the full name Meenakshi comes about. A devotee’s sincere prayers to Madurai Meenakshi is said to be a good parigaram for any problems linked to planet Mercury (Buthan).
The Divine Mother is having slow moving streaming eyes. Similar to a fish, these eyes never close. These eyes are always open .They have power to bless and help the devotee, without even asking for the Divine Mother’s help.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 11 February 2020.

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 705: Shri Sastramayi (ōṃ śāstramayyai namaḥ)

From Nama 684 to 741 the glories of the Divine Mother are discussed. The Divine Mother is the creator and enforcer of all the codes of con...