Monday, August 10, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 213: Shri Maha pujya (OM mahApUjyAyai namaH)

In Namams 199 to 248, the Divine Mother’s  Saguna or infiniteness power and glory are described. 

The Divine Mother is the greatest to be worshipped; and or the Divine Mother is most worshippable. 

The humans and other universal creatures worship the Divine Mother for their sustenance and other living needs. All the worships of different devas or deities reach the Divine Mother only. 

The humans devote their five sensory elements to seek the Divine Mother’s blessings. All the puja of universal creatures add up to a larger Maha puja of the Divine Mother. 

We have seen earlier that the Three-Murthis, namely, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are worshipping the Divine Mother. She is Maha, with every attribute like power, kindness and controlling the universe, which is held within Herself. So She is Maha pujya or Pujaniya. 

The  Divine Mother’s worship is Maha puja.


Mari amman. She takes care of the earthly things. 

C N Nachiappun          

Singapore, 24 August 2020.




1.       The Thousand Names of the Divine Mother published in English by Mata Amritanandamayi Center, San Ramon, California, USA, with Commentary by T. V Narayana Menon

2.       Shri Lalitha Sahasranama Stostram published in Tamil by N. Ramaswami Iyer charities’ societies, Trichirapalli, India, with Commentary by C. V. Radhakrishna Sastry.

3.       The Lalitha Sahasranamam published in Tamil by Shri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thiruipparaithurai, Trichy District, Tamilnadu, India with commentary by Shrimath Swami Sithbavandar.

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