Thursday, January 30, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 6: Shri Uthiya Banu Harahasraya (OM udyadbhAnusahasrAbhAyai namaH)

The literal meaning of this namam is that the Divine Mother holds thousands of Sun’s brightness and strength within her to improve the lives of her devotees.

Banu means Sun, Haraharam means one thousand.

To improve the inner strengths of the souls, say one for plants to six humans, very high knowledge brightness is held within each soul. This knowledge source aims to achieve the peak brightness in each soul. This is the objective of each soul present in this universe under the Divine Mother, who maintains a (Rupam) such immense brightness within her, for the benefit of her devotees. This can be the expanded meaning of this namam.

The Divine Mother holds a huge strength within her which a normal person cannot visualize. The Divine Mother compresses all such strengths to show to her devotees a kind appearance only. This can be comparable to the Sun. The Sun always has and maintains a same energy base. However, the same Sun during morning rising time appears as a pleasant source of energy. The same sun at noon time shines with high brightness that we cannot see the Sun with naked eye. Such effect of the sun’s light in the morning is through the Divine Mother’s kindness to the souls in the universe.

Abirami Bhatter is well known Divine Mother’s devotee, who prayed with Abirami Anthathi 100 songs praising the Divine Mother’s glory, started his first song comparing the Divine Mother to the early morning rising Sun.

உதிக்கின்ற செங்கதிர், உச்சித்திலகம், உணர்வுடையோர்
மதிக்கின்ற மாணிக்கம், மாதுளம் போது, மலர்க்கமலை
துதிக்கின்ற மின்கொடி, மென்கடிக்குங்கும தோயமென்ன
விதிக்கின்ற மேனி அபிராமி என்தன் விழித்துணையே.

 In essence the Divine Mother has all her strengths within her, she shows only her kinder self to the devotees in helping them graduate to high level to reach the Almighty to be united with it.

Added here is web link to get the Abirami Anthathi, the Tamil 100 songs by Abirami Bhatter which he initiated on a Thai Amavasai (New Moon) day as a reference:

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 30 January 2020.

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