Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 2: Shri Maharakini (OM shrImahArAj ~ nai namaH)

The literal meaning of this namam is that the Divine Mother is the respected female Emperor. Then question rises as to how the Divine Mother is ruling the universe under her care? She is the very kind to all beings, all right and at the same time she is ruling the Universe justly and systematically.

All other mothers save and serve their own children in kindest manner. As a result, if one of her child misbehaves, the normal mother tolerates such actions; she does not discipline her own child out of motherly love for the said child.

Even in ancient kingdoms or modern day way of ruling Governments, the misbehaving individual can still escape the penalty or punishment of the ruling government by falsifying the evidences in court or using any other means of weaknesses in the administrative system in place. This we see now a day’s many times all over the globe from the highest ranking government official to the common man in the street. This means that the common government ruling system is or cannot be perfect in many respects.

There is a Tamil saying, literally translated: The king would kill immediately but the Almighty or the Divine Mother will wait and give time for the individual to correct himself before punishing him.

Then how this happens? Say, when someone lies to cover his mistake in anything that he does for example, his mind is dirtied or spoiled from the mistake he had committed. His self conscience starts to prick him and it grows much bigger and bigger. This is the starting point of punishment to that individual from the Divine Mother. The individual starts to face hardships in his life. When an individual is facing such hardships he starts to ask himself first and the Almighty or the Divine Mother as to what mistake he had done in his previous births or in present birth. If he were to analyze his hardship, he seeks temporary forms of relief in doing parigaram etc hoping that he can get by his mistakes or he understands the root cause of his hardship and starts to correct himself. Every time the individual slips into misbehaving unjustly, the hardship starts to hit him again and again. This is the system the Divine Mother using in getting her wards to avoid doing criminal actions. As such anyone wanting to have an improved life will not attempt to misbehave.

This is the respected female Emperor or the Divine Mother’s way of ruling the Universe under her care. Let us glorify to the Divine Mother’s ways of handling the wards under her.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 26 January 2020.

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Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 705: Shri Sastramayi (ōṃ śāstramayyai namaḥ)

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