Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 3: Shri Math Shimhanaeswari (OM shrImatsiMhAsaneshvaryai namaH)

The namam Shri Math Shimhanaeswari means the one sitting on Shimahasanam which is a position of power and authority. The Divine Mother is sitting in such a position of power and authority and ruling the whole Universe. Shimam is a Sanskrit word to mean the Lion.

A leader in any field occupies an authoritative seat, reflecting his leadership authority and the responsibility coming with it. In our types of homes, the person who brings in earnings for that household such as money is considered the leader of the household. In a village or a town, the person who commands the majority support of the people through his achievement and leadership occupies the deciding position or the power of authority. In a state or a country the Chief Minister or the Prime Minister occupies such a seat of power. One of the examples is the President of United States of America through America’s leading financial and military might is occupying the world leader status. In olden days the King or the Emperor occupied such a seat of power/authority.

The Lion is the strongest Animal in a forest. To ride on a Lion, one has to have the strength to control the Lion first and occupy the position of controlling the Lion. The Divine mother being the provider of the needs and strict ruler of her subjects in the universe, her seat of authority is very similar to person riding a Lion in a forest. She is handling the total affairs of the universe as the ruler and her seat is called a Shimahasanam which a position of power and authority.

With all her strength and power, the Divine Mother is the sole authority and there can be no comparison to her position in the Universe. Essentially the Divine Mother is sitting on a Shimahasanam and ruling the Universe with total power and authority.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 27 January 2020, Monday

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