Friday, January 31, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 7: Shri Chathur Bahu Samanvitha (OM chaturbAhusamanvitAyai namaH)

The meaning of this namam is that the Divine Mother holds four hands to direct help and supports her devotees in their process of graduating to a higher level to reach the Almighty to be merged in it.

Chathur means four and Bahu can mean arms or  hands in Sanskrit.

We humans have two hands with which we do lots of things in our life. Even if any one of our hands gets hurt thereby putting it out of operation even for a short duration, we humans find it difficult to get on with our day today activities. The Divine Mother has four hands with which she is helping her devotees on many great things
In Hinduism, for various reasons behind them, certain deities are said to have more number of hands. For example Lord Muruga is said have six faces and twelve hands to support his devotees. Similarly a five faced Vinayakar is worshipped in Nepal. There are instances of four faced deity in our religious front. On same sense, it is said that the Divine Mother is having four hands to support and save her devotees.

These four hands can be representing four time based yugas, the ancient Hindus had systemized, namely Krutha, Therothana, Thuvarpara and Kali yugam (we are supposed to be in Kali yuga now).

These four hands can also represent four basic directions namely, north, south, east and west.
In human activities, there are also four essentials such as Aram (justice), Porul (materials), Inbam (enjoyment or happiness) and Veedu, refers to Moksha. These four hands represent such four activities in human beings.

The Divine Mother uses her four hands in all these functions. All great things are happening to all souls through the use of these four hands of the Divine Mother.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 31 January 2020.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 6: Shri Uthiya Banu Harahasraya (OM udyadbhAnusahasrAbhAyai namaH)

The literal meaning of this namam is that the Divine Mother holds thousands of Sun’s brightness and strength within her to improve the lives of her devotees.

Banu means Sun, Haraharam means one thousand.

To improve the inner strengths of the souls, say one for plants to six humans, very high knowledge brightness is held within each soul. This knowledge source aims to achieve the peak brightness in each soul. This is the objective of each soul present in this universe under the Divine Mother, who maintains a (Rupam) such immense brightness within her, for the benefit of her devotees. This can be the expanded meaning of this namam.

The Divine Mother holds a huge strength within her which a normal person cannot visualize. The Divine Mother compresses all such strengths to show to her devotees a kind appearance only. This can be comparable to the Sun. The Sun always has and maintains a same energy base. However, the same Sun during morning rising time appears as a pleasant source of energy. The same sun at noon time shines with high brightness that we cannot see the Sun with naked eye. Such effect of the sun’s light in the morning is through the Divine Mother’s kindness to the souls in the universe.

Abirami Bhatter is well known Divine Mother’s devotee, who prayed with Abirami Anthathi 100 songs praising the Divine Mother’s glory, started his first song comparing the Divine Mother to the early morning rising Sun.

உதிக்கின்ற செங்கதிர், உச்சித்திலகம், உணர்வுடையோர்
மதிக்கின்ற மாணிக்கம், மாதுளம் போது, மலர்க்கமலை
துதிக்கின்ற மின்கொடி, மென்கடிக்குங்கும தோயமென்ன
விதிக்கின்ற மேனி அபிராமி என்தன் விழித்துணையே.

 In essence the Divine Mother has all her strengths within her, she shows only her kinder self to the devotees in helping them graduate to high level to reach the Almighty to be united with it.

Added here is web link to get the Abirami Anthathi, the Tamil 100 songs by Abirami Bhatter which he initiated on a Thai Amavasai (New Moon) day as a reference:

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 30 January 2020.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sahasranama Reciting

When we say sincerely one Almighty Lord’s name, it is the starting of a prayer. So when we ask a temple priest to do an Archana, usually Lord’s 108 names are said by the priest, giving more strength just than one time saying Lord’s name. If we ask the priest to a Sahasranama Archani (Sahasram in Sanskrit means 1000) where the Lord’s name is repeated 1000 plus times, which gives more strength and vibration to the place it is said. Similarly to increase this power of reciting, temples periodically do Laksa Archana, meaning that the Lord’s name is repeated 100 thousand times or through a Kodi Archana where lord’s name would be recited 100 laksa times. This laksa  Archana and Kodi Archanas take much longer times to complete, but the benefit of vibration energy at the place of reciting increases enormously and the deity to which these Archanas are focused gets more power to it to offer to the devotees.
The effects of repeated focusing on a Lord can be explained in following two examples:
1.  In India, Thirupathi Venkatachalapathy is worshipped by millions of people every year, and their single point of focusing on this Lord gives immense power to this Lord Vankatachalpathy to offer wealth and other things to the devotees. It draws more and more people to come to Thirupathi to pray to Lord Venkadachalapathy and offer their contributions in the temple donation boxes. It is not that the Lord demands such donations, but the immense vibration power generated at Thirupathi is giving one such result for the temple.
2.  I have heard another instance like this. Pilliyarpatti in Tamilnadu, where the Lord Karpaga Vinayakar is worshipped for his showering of kindness to the devotees, used to be sleepy village. Once the temple authorities started a Veda Padasalai (wherein the school teaches Veda basics the aspiring priests), say there are 20 trainee priests in a group and they recite one mantra or the Vinayakar’s name 20 times at least in a day, meaning 20 times 20 equal to 400 times, conservatively, per day. When this learning process continues many years and the trainees recite every day at least 20 times, the vibration energy generated is very huge giving immense powers to the deity, or the Karpaga Vinaykar. Now this Pilliyarpatti is a very flourishing town with more devotees visiting to pray to Lord Karpaga Vinayakar and the optimism and other gains for the devotees are very high.
Of all these methods of Archanas for a deity, I wish to expand on Saharanama Archana, which is basically repeating the Lord’s name 1000 plus times. For Lord Perumal, in Serangoon Road Perumal temple, Vishnu Sahasranamam is recited, the benefit being it helps the devotee in many ways, especially in curing difficult health issues. For other Lords like, Pillaiyar, Murugan, Sivan, Meenatshi Ambal, Durgai and Mahalakshmi there are specific Sahranamams available. All these Sharanamams have a history behind them as to how they were written in Sanskrit language. Recently, there are attempts to translate them in other Indian languages to make it easier for the devotees to pray to the Lord as they please. In my personal experience, the reciting these Sharanamam in original Sanskrit form is more effective than using translated versions.
One such Saharanamam is Lalitha Sahranamam which focuses on the Divine Mother is said to have the highest ranking through Hindu Vedas. It is said that any one reciting the Lalitha Sahraranamam is almost in his last birth before reaching and unifying with the Almighty. Late, Kanchi Periyavar, a very learned Hindu religious Guru, had highly recommended reciting Lalitha Sahranamam to seek all the best help from the Divine Mother. As a sample of explaining the first name in this Sahranamam, I am attaching my recent write up on this namam as follows for your appreciation. Have a great day ahead with the Divine mother’s blessings.
The explanation of first name: Shri Matha in this Lalitha saharanamam:

Matha, Pitha and Guru Deivam is a saying, which is very true. Of all the Mother and Child relationship is the best for the Child. The mother holds the child within her for 10 months gives birth and takes care of the child as long as she lives. For a person may be 70 years old, like me, for my mother in her 90s, I am still her child and she shows her same kindness all through as long as she is alive. As a child she had her blood turned into milk to give it to the child. Motherly love is such a respected divine thing.
Even in other living things, they have a way of giving birth and safe guarding their own children. Right from insects, birds and strong animals like Lion have their own way of taking care of their children. I have read that for a Camel when a child is born, even before the child can help himself, the mother Camel will kick the child far apart and wait for the child to struggle to get and stand up, if the child fails, the mother Camel will keep on kicking the child until the child gets up and stands on its own. The mother Camel does it to make the child to face the adverse conditions in the forest, to run if needed to safe guard itself, as without it any strong animal can come and eat the child as food in no time. This is the way the Camel shows its motherly love to the child. In this universe, in every living condition, is a human being or other living creatures, the mother will find a way to feed and safe guard the child.
If a simple mother can take care of her child, the Divine Mother provides all the needs and safety of all living beings in this Universe. Starting with giving life to a child to mature the child further is the greatest effort by the mother; likewise the Divine Mother does the same thing for all living things under her care.

It is very appropriate to call the Divine Mother as Shri Matha and use it the as the very first name in this
Lalitha Sahasranamam.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 29 January 2020.

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 5: Shri Deva Karia Samuthyuga (OM devakAryasamudyatAyai namaH)

Shri Deva Kariya Samuthyuga means that the Divine Mother originated from yaga fire to save the sages devars and other matured souls from the evil forces and to grow them in maturity further.

There was a reference in earlier namam 4 on Padmasuran, the evil force, who had been acting without senses, required maturities and without adequate understanding. The selfishness takes a form of a major evil force. This covers and hides the natural divineness present in souls.

For every element that is useful in a human body, there are sources of support provided by the divine system in this universe. For example the eyes have the support of the Sun, for the words that are spoken are supported by the fire element, for the tongue the supporting force is the rain, for the body skin the wind acts as a support, for the hands the Indran plays a supporting function, for the legs Vishnu acts as a support and for the mind the moon acts as a supporting element.

With their own minds which the sages have and if they choose to go in wrong path, they miss to use their good spirits and they start to suffer hardships. The Divine Mother, who originated from the yaga fire, clears such misfortunes to sages and allows them to do their holy actions with sufficient maturity. The Divine Mother is keen to improve the elements explained earlier for the souls of the sages and to mature them to higher level.

In this universe the plants have only one element to support them which is their sensitiveness to touching them and they do live fulfilled life until they are dead. Each soul graduates to higher level with more elements to support them, like the humans from birth with all the elements essentially backing their knowledge and mind that goes with it.

Ultimately, the Divine Mother keeps this objective in improving the souls in this universe.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 29 January 2020.

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 4: Shri Sith Agni Kunda Sambotha (OM chidagnikuNDasambhUtAyai namaH)

The namam Shri Sith Agni Kunda Sambotha can mean that the Divine Mother rose from a Yaga Fire or from an immense Knowledge based fire to save her devotees. Sith Agni Kunda can be translated to the yaga fire capable of burning away all the negatives.

According to earlier Hindu events, Pandasuran, who represents the evil forces, had got involved with the girls created by Lord Vishnu. He forgot his regular prayers to the Almighty and started troubling the sages (Devargals). Such troubles reached a point that the sages cannot bear them anymore. They prayed to the Divine Mother to save them. They initiated a yagam (a fire wherein they sacrifice their best loved items) to show to the Divine Mother that they did not have any more desire for materialistic things. They even cut their own body parts and threw into the fire. The Divine Mother saw the sages’ unselfishness. Their ego had gone. The Divine Mother arose from this yaga fire, where the sages had offered themselves. This Yaga fire is called the Sith Agni Kunda in Sanskrit. This yaga fire is capable of burning away all negatives and hardships in the devotees. This yaga fire can be related to the Gnanam or the Almighty’s superior immense knowledge. The ego and selfishness are all burned away and the “I” within the devotee or the sage is gone as the Divine Mother arises from the yaga fire.

The other way of looking at this namam is to visualize the Divine Mother rose from immense knowledge based fire. In this universe most of the things are in solid form and through the prayer to the Divine Mother they are converted to selflessness, without ego stage, which can be termed as Sith strength. For example, the Kumari Devi, in Kannyakumari in Southern tip of India is demonstrating this prayer to Almighty to ultimately reach and merge with the Almighty. All souls in this universe will follow such a process of prayers to merge with the Almighty. They achieve no further births in this universe for them.

The essence of this namam is to show that for saving her devotes, the Divine Mother will rise and burn the devotees’ negatives such as ego, selfishness, aggression etc to purify them to be united with the Almighty.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 28 January 2020, Tuesday

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 3: Shri Math Shimhanaeswari (OM shrImatsiMhAsaneshvaryai namaH)

The namam Shri Math Shimhanaeswari means the one sitting on Shimahasanam which is a position of power and authority. The Divine Mother is sitting in such a position of power and authority and ruling the whole Universe. Shimam is a Sanskrit word to mean the Lion.

A leader in any field occupies an authoritative seat, reflecting his leadership authority and the responsibility coming with it. In our types of homes, the person who brings in earnings for that household such as money is considered the leader of the household. In a village or a town, the person who commands the majority support of the people through his achievement and leadership occupies the deciding position or the power of authority. In a state or a country the Chief Minister or the Prime Minister occupies such a seat of power. One of the examples is the President of United States of America through America’s leading financial and military might is occupying the world leader status. In olden days the King or the Emperor occupied such a seat of power/authority.

The Lion is the strongest Animal in a forest. To ride on a Lion, one has to have the strength to control the Lion first and occupy the position of controlling the Lion. The Divine mother being the provider of the needs and strict ruler of her subjects in the universe, her seat of authority is very similar to person riding a Lion in a forest. She is handling the total affairs of the universe as the ruler and her seat is called a Shimahasanam which a position of power and authority.

With all her strength and power, the Divine Mother is the sole authority and there can be no comparison to her position in the Universe. Essentially the Divine Mother is sitting on a Shimahasanam and ruling the Universe with total power and authority.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 27 January 2020, Monday

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 2: Shri Maharakini (OM shrImahArAj ~ nai namaH)

The literal meaning of this namam is that the Divine Mother is the respected female Emperor. Then question rises as to how the Divine Mother is ruling the universe under her care? She is the very kind to all beings, all right and at the same time she is ruling the Universe justly and systematically.

All other mothers save and serve their own children in kindest manner. As a result, if one of her child misbehaves, the normal mother tolerates such actions; she does not discipline her own child out of motherly love for the said child.

Even in ancient kingdoms or modern day way of ruling Governments, the misbehaving individual can still escape the penalty or punishment of the ruling government by falsifying the evidences in court or using any other means of weaknesses in the administrative system in place. This we see now a day’s many times all over the globe from the highest ranking government official to the common man in the street. This means that the common government ruling system is or cannot be perfect in many respects.

There is a Tamil saying, literally translated: The king would kill immediately but the Almighty or the Divine Mother will wait and give time for the individual to correct himself before punishing him.

Then how this happens? Say, when someone lies to cover his mistake in anything that he does for example, his mind is dirtied or spoiled from the mistake he had committed. His self conscience starts to prick him and it grows much bigger and bigger. This is the starting point of punishment to that individual from the Divine Mother. The individual starts to face hardships in his life. When an individual is facing such hardships he starts to ask himself first and the Almighty or the Divine Mother as to what mistake he had done in his previous births or in present birth. If he were to analyze his hardship, he seeks temporary forms of relief in doing parigaram etc hoping that he can get by his mistakes or he understands the root cause of his hardship and starts to correct himself. Every time the individual slips into misbehaving unjustly, the hardship starts to hit him again and again. This is the system the Divine Mother using in getting her wards to avoid doing criminal actions. As such anyone wanting to have an improved life will not attempt to misbehave.

This is the respected female Emperor or the Divine Mother’s way of ruling the Universe under her care. Let us glorify to the Divine Mother’s ways of handling the wards under her.

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 26 January 2020.

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 1: Shri Matha (OM aiM hrIM shrIM shrImAtre namaH)

Matha, Pitha and Guru Deivam is a saying, which is very true. Of all Mother and Child relationship is the best for the Child. The mother holds the child within her for 10 months gives birth and takes care of the child as long as she lives. For any person at any age the mother however aged the person is still her child and she shows her same kindness all through as long as she is alive. As a child she had her blood turned into milk to give it to the child. Motherly love is such a respected divine thing.

Even in other living things, they have a way of giving birth and safe guarding their own children. Right from insects, birds and strong animals like Lion have their own way of taking care of their children. I have read that for a Camel when a child is born, even before the child can help himself, the mother Camel will kick the child far apart and wait for the child to struggle to get and stand up, if the child fails, the mother Camel will keep on kicking the child until the child gets up and stands on its own. The mother Camel does it to make the child to face the adverse conditions in the forest, to run if needed to safe guard itself, as without it any strong animal can come and eat the child as food in no time. This is the way the Camel shows its motherly love to the child. In this universe, in every living condition, is a human being or other living creatures, the mother will find a way to feed and safe guard the child.

If a simple mother can take care of her child, the Divine Mother provides all the needs and safety of living beings in this Universe. Starting with giving life to a child to mature the child further is the greatest effort by the mother; likewise the Divine Mother does the same thing for all living things under her care.

It is very appropriate to call the Divine Mother as Shri Matha and use it as the very first name in this

C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 25 January 2020.

Shri Lalitha Saharsranamam (shrI lalitA sahasranAmAvalI): An introduction note

Shri Lalitha Sagaranamam, was instructed by Shri Lalitha Herself and recorded by her assistant Devis. It is considered the highest Saharsranamam by Hindu Vedas. There are many people, in the past, had written the meaning for this Saharsranamam, the well known being the Acharya Bhaskaraya. In recent times, many well known religious institutions had written very detailed meaning for this Saharsranamam in many Indian languages, I understand there are even full meaning English versions, available in book form in India. Those versions are done by professional people with high professional standards, needing a better level of understanding for a common man. For me, by Purvapuniyam effect, I had learnt this Saharsranamam, namavalli some 40 years ago and had the pleasure of reciting it almost every day and learnt the meaning some of these names which are in Sanskrit. I wish to come up with meaning of each name, in my own understanding way to bringing it to the common man level. I am not perfect in my understanding of these names, yet it is my sincere attempt to present explanations for each name in readable way in simple English. I give a start on this Thai Amamavasi day.

There are only 1000 namams in this Saharsranamam as against expectation of 1008 Namams in most Saharsranamams, starting from Shri Matha and ending with Shri Lalithambigai. I will continue in proper sequence from 25.01.2020 starting from Namam 1 and going forward to 1000, one name each day.

Today, I will prepare a sample write up on my favourite Namam (989): Vangitharthaprathayini. This Namam gives the complete essence of Divine Mother’s kindness and providing functions for the whole universe, controlled by Her other half Lord Siva. In my view this name Vangitharthaprathayini summaries this
Saharsranamam in total.
If a five to six month old child cries, only the child’s mother will know the reason for the child’s crying, for example, the child is hungry or having pain somewhere in its body or needing sleep or in confused due to external noise / conditions. The child’s mother will do the needful to calm and put the child most probably to sleep.  
In a similar way, the Divine Mother, you have now put me in this materialist world in this birth, I do not know the ways to meet all my needs, you only know my needs in all and you provide for them for me. You are doing this not for me alone; you are doing for the whole universe with billions of human creatures, animals living on land, sea and in outer planets etc. You control all assets for the materistic uses above and below earth for mankind. Other Deivams such as Lord Vishnu also performs similar saving and providing functions but his reach is, we believe is limited. All other Deivams get their instructions and help from you only. You are the Ultimate in providing for all living souls and giving them the mukthi or liberation from the birth and death cycle to reach you with no further birth for them from this current life for the soul.

For all other Deivams, there are meaningful songs which have described them as Mother, as well. Apper, Sundarar, Thirunaukkarar and likes have described Lord Siva in motherly role, Shanda Anupoothi 42 th song says Lord Muruga is the mother and similarly Vinava write ups show Lord Vishnu in motherly role, meaning all these do the motherly function, but the Ultimate Mother is only you, the Divine Mother. There is no one else but you who can provide for me for meeting my life’s needs. I pray to you in full faith to take care my needs in total.

C N Nachiappun,
24 January 2020, Friday, Thai new moon day

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 703: Shri Sarva mohini (ōṃ sarvamōhinyai namaḥ)

From Nama 684 to 741 the glories of the Divine Mother are discussed. The Divine Mother covers all creations within Her, but She also delud...