Saturday, July 27, 2024

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 637: Shri Visva garbha (ōṃ visvagarbhāyai namaḥ)

The Goddess Divine Mother keeps the whole universe in Her womb. 

Visva Garbha means that the Divine Mother is shining in all universal beings. She holds the universe within Her. Sea waves are not against the sea. Likewise, humans with their body weight cannot be against the Earth which is holding and supporting all universal beings. Wherever the human is born, he is ultimately within the earth. The Divine Mother has all five universal elements, under Her hold. The devotee need not run around to look for the Divine Mother. He ought to learn to accept the things he experiences as the Divine Mother. The devotee achieving higher level is due to his worship to the Divine Mother. When the devotee befriends the universal beings, he should treat them as the forms of the Divine Mother. 

The whole universe is called Visva, and the Divine Mother holds the whole universe in Her womb or within Her. The implication is that the entire universe came out from the Divine Mother’s womb; She is the mother of the universe. She concealed in Her womb, the entire universe. One who sees the universe does not see the Divine Mother. This is the difference between the experience of oneness with the Supreme and all worldly experience.

The Goddess the Divine Mother is also called Visva Grabha.

C N Nachiiappun

Singapore, 23 October 2021.


1.     The Thousand Names of the Divine Mother published in English by Mata Amritanandamayi Center, San Ramon, California, USA, with Commentary by T. V Narayana Menon

2.     Shri Lalitha Sahasranama Stostram published in Tamil by N. Ramaswami Iyer charities’ societies, Trichirapalli, India, with Commentary by C. V. Radhakrishna Sastry.

3.     The Lalitha Sahasranamam published in Tamil by Shri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thiruipparaithurai, Trichy District, Tamilnadu, India with commentary by Shrimath Swami Sithbavandar


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