Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 533 Shri Sarvaudana prita citta (ōṃ Sarvaudanapritacittāyai namaḥ)

Namams 475 to 534 represent the Divine Mother’s Yogini forms. 

The Divine Mother’s Representative Yakini yogin residing (in Brahmarandhra) in the thousand-petaled lotus is pleased with all food offerings made to Her. 

The Divine Mother is fond of all cooked foods. To cook the food is a facility available for mankind only in all universal beings; There are many raw food items, like fruits and vegetables which are also offered to the Divine Mother. In previous Namams, we saw specific food for each chakra Devis taking care of specific parts of human body. Yakini Devi takes care of the whom body up-keeping, through semen following through the whole body; the Divine Mother is all pervading the whole body. As such all forms of balanced diet are acceptable to Yakini Devi. 

All the universal beings’ food is acceptable to the Divine Mother. As the Divine Mother likes the cooked food the humans focus more on their favourite food to the Divine Mother. If the humans focus more on their food, they will not gain in their move up to Brahman. Keeping Yogin mentality and taking the prasadam from the Divine Mother (from offered food to her), it helps them in their move towards Brahman. The human ought to prepare the food as an offering alone. To cook good food for offering to the Divine Mother is a form of worship of the Divine Mother. This Namam says that the Divine Mother likes all good food offered to her or She is Sarvaudana prita citta. 

The Divine Mother likes prasadam such as Haridanannam and all other cooked food offered to Her.

The Divine Mother as Annapurna in Varanasi (Kasi).


C N Nachiappun          

Singapore, 11 July 2021.


1.       The Thousand Names of the Divine Mother published in English by Mata Amritanandamayi Center, San Ramon, California, USA, with Commentary by T. V Narayana Menon

2.       Shri Lalitha Sahasranama Stostram published in Tamil by N. Ramaswami Iyer charities’ societies, Trichirapalli, India, with Commentary by C. V. Radhakrishna Sastry.

3.       The Lalitha Sahasranamam published in Tamil by Shri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thiruipparaithurai, Trichy District, Tamilnadu, India with commentary by Shrimath Swami Sithbavandar 

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