Sunday, May 1, 2022

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 495: Shri Manipuraka Nilaya (ōṃ maṇipūrābjanilayāyai namaḥ)

In Namams 475 to 534 represents the Divine Mother’s Yogini forms. 

The Divine Mother as Lakini yogin is residing in the Manipuraka chakra in ten-petaled lotus. She is surrounded by ten deities; She represents the Agni (fire) element, here. 

Lakini Devi is meditated upon as follows: “Let us meditate on Lakini Devi in the lotus in the navel, three faced, with tusks, blood red colour, bearing in Her hands the dart (or spear shakti), the thunderbolt, the rod and abhaya (a weapon) most terrible, attended by Damari and nine other shaktis, inspiring fear in the ignorant, residing in the flesh in the bodies of universal beings, fond of jagarey sweetened  foods, and doing good to all.” In each of the ten-petals of the lotus in the Manipuraka reside Damari and other nine shaktis. Lakini dwells in the pericarp (centre). 

Her abode is a ten-petaled lotus in Manipuraka chakra in navel area. In ten-petals, ten syllables are there. These ten syllables are the Divine Mother’s forms. The Divine Mother in sound form is Nada Brahmam. 

Adi Sharara’s Soundarya Lahari verse 40 details on Manipuraka Chakram is in annex 4 below.

                      Lakini Devi as the Divine Mother resides in Manipuraka chakra.


C N Nachiappun          

Singapore, 03 June 2021.


1.       The Thousand Names of the Divine Mother published in English by Mata Amritanandamayi Center, San Ramon, California, USA, with Commentary by T. V Narayana Menon

2.       Shri Lalitha Sahasranama Stostram published in Tamil by N. Ramaswami Iyer charities’ societies, Trichirapalli, India, with Commentary by C. V. Radhakrishna Sastry.

3.       The Lalitha Sahasranamam published in Tamil by Shri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thiruipparaithurai, Trichy District, Tamilnadu, India with commentary by Shrimath Swami Chithbavandar.

4.       In Soundarya Lahari verse 40, Adi Shankara describes Manipuraka Chakram and the Shiva and Shakti combination there.


              Taditvantam shakthyaa timira pari pandhi sphuranayaa- Sphuran naanaa ratnaabharana

parinidvendra dhanusham/ Tava shyamam megham kamapi Manipooraika sharanam

Nisheve varshantam haramihira taptham Tribhuvanam/

Tejovati Trinayana! Mani puraabja nilayaa vadanatraya samyutaa, Vajraayudhaapetaa daamaryadi

bhiraavritaa/ Bhagavati!


The English near enough meaning:


As Parama Shiva illuminates the sky with blue clouds, you appear there like a

flash of lightning! Manipuraika vasatih praaavrishenyah Sadaa Shivah, Ambudaatmayaa bhaati sthira soudaamini Shivaa! To the ever-devoted saadhakaas you grant the vision of Megheshwara Soudaminis as ‘Amriteshvaraamrititeshvaris’ in the ‘Manipuraachakra sthaana’. You are indeed like the lightnings on the heavy rain bearing black clouds to shower food to the charaachara jagat just as the ever benign ‘Sanaatana Dampatis’ pour Amrita Dhaaraas down! It is at the Mani pura sthaana that jalotpatti takes place: the joint endeavor of Surya kiranas and Agni jwalaas create water. Jala Rupa thus is based in Mani Rupawhile Surya is in Anahata chakra andi Agni-Suryas joint effort is the base of Svadhishthana. Recalling ‘Mani puuraabja nilaya’from Lalita Sahasra naamaas, Devi Laakini appears with the redblood coloured attire as adorned with the glitter of ‘vajraabharanas’ and surrounded with Daamaryadi Shaktis who look frightening to Ajnanis but essentially, they are ever merciful and benign! Shri Vidyaa Rahasyaartha: Bhagavati! May I prostrate before your symbolic appeatrance as a Lightning amid the dark clouds on the Sky symbolic of svaadhishthaana chakra where Sada Shiva too resides besides you are too. The Lighning emeging from the glitter of Indra Dhanush is of the sacred union of Agni- Surya -Vaayu and Jala as the Timiraharini, who indeed is yourself! Hence the Sacred Most Swarupas of Megheshwara Nath and Amiteshvari whose ‘araadhana’ is regularly commissoned by 52 Jala Mayukhas as listed : Sadyojaata- Maya-Vaama Dva-Shree-Aghora-Padma-Tatpuruaha-Ambikaa-Ananta-Nivritthi- Aanaathaa-Pratishtha-Janaashrita-Vidya-Achintya-Shanta-Shashirekhara-Uma-Takshina-Ganga- Manivaaha- Sarasvati- Ambuvaaha-Kamala-Tejodheera- Parvati- Vidyaavaageshwara- Chitra- Chaturvidheshwara- Sukamala- Umaagangeshwara-Manmadha- Krishneshwara-Shreya- ShriKaantaa- Laya- Ananta-Sati- Shankara-Ratna Mekhala- Pingala- Yashovati-Saadyaakhya- Hasaananda- Paradivyaayuga- Vaama- Maaradivyaayuga- Jyeshtha- Peethaayuga-Rudri- Sarveshwara- Sarvamati:

these are Jala Tatva Mayurakaas


Another version of Soundarya Lahari verse 40:


tatittwantam saktyaa timira paripanthi sphuranayaa

spuran naanaa ratna abharana parinadhdhae indra dhanusham

tava syaamam maegham kamapi manipooraika saranam

nishaenae varshantam hara mihira taptam tribhuvanam. 40


The English near enough meaning:


O! Mother! You are stationed in Your Manipoora chakra, with the power of lightening to

drive away the enemy called ajnaana (darkness), simulating a rainbow from the

variegated lustre emanating from the gem studded ornaments of yours. O! It is beyond

comprehension! You are the dense black cloud that drenches and quenches the three

worlds, scorched by the intense heat of the Sun called Siva (Pralaya Kala Rudra) 

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Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 707: Shri Guhya rupini (ōṃ guhyarūpiṇyai namaḥ)

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