Friday, April 15, 2022

Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 486: Shri Syamabha (ōṃ śyāmābhāyai namaḥ)

 In Namams 475 to 534 represents the Divine Mother’s Yogini forms. 

The Divine Mother as Rakini Devi residing in the Anahata chakra in twelve-petaled lotus, located behind our heart handling the vayu (air) element, is dark green in complexion. 

A sixteen-year-old girl is known as Syama. The Divine Mother, as Rakini Devi is eternally sixteen years old. 

A dark green colour (seen in rainy clouds) Syama or Rakini Devi is like Lord Krishna who is also black in colour. Black is beautiful; it is felt by inner senses. Sixteen years forms the peak beauty for a girl. The Divine Mother is always or eternally sixteen-years old being beautiful at its peak, can be the interpretation of this Namam.

    The Divine Mother  as sixteen-year Syama or Rakini Devi.

C N Nachiappun          

Singapore, 25 May 2021.


1.       The Thousand Names of the Divine Mother published in English by Mata Amritanandamayi Center, San Ramon, California, USA, with Commentary by T. V Narayana Menon

2.       Shri Lalitha Sahasranama Stostram published in Tamil by N. Ramaswami Iyer charities’ societies, Trichirapalli, India, with Commentary by C. V. Radhakrishna Sastry.

3.       The Lalitha Sahasranamam published in Tamil by Shri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thiruipparaithurai, Trichy District, Tamilnadu, India with commentary by Shrimath Swami Chithbavandar.

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Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 707: Shri Guhya rupini (ōṃ guhyarūpiṇyai namaḥ)

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