In Namams 475 to 534 represents the Divine Mother’s Yogini
The Divine Mother resides in Visuddhi chakra.
Visuddhi chakra, located in human throat is
the fifth of the six adhara chakras (Please see commentary on Namam 99:
Muladhara Nilaya).
The six chakras are traversed by Kundalini.
It rises from Muladhara chakra (root of the susumna and the base of Kundalini) to
other chakras as follows with their tattvas (elements): recall Namas 99 to 111.
Muladhara, representing Earth
(Prthvi) with four-petaled lotus,
Svadhisthana representing Fire
(Agni) with six-petaled lotus.
Manipuraka representing Water
(Jala) with ten-petaled lotus.
Anahata representing Air (Vayu)
with twelve -petaled lotus.
Visuddhi representing Space
(Akasa) with sixteen-petaled lotus.
Ajna representing Mind (Manas)
with two-petaled lotus.
Muladhara and Svadhisthana are
Tamasic world; disc of fire; agni mandala.
Manipuraka and Anhata are Misra
world; disc of Sun; Suriya mandal. Nama
Visuddhi and Ajna are world of
light (jothirmayaloka); disc of Moon; Candra mandala,
Kundalini passes through each of these chakras
by way of susumna. This is the start of omniscience of the yogis. After this, there
is nothing unknown or invisible to yogins. The nerves ida and pingala run
inside the backbone on the left and right sides respectively. Between ida and
pingala, runs susumna from Muladhrara to Sahasarara chakara, slender as a lotus
fibre and radiant as lightening. All six adhara chakras are connected to the
Kundalini, normally sleeping in Muladhara,
is awakened by yogic practice and the grace of the Guru, races through susumna
and passes through each of the various chambers which open by themselves.
Wondrous sights, unparalleled sounds, and indescribable siddhis manifest. When
the Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara chakra in the head, the yogin transcends
all the limits imposed by the body and mind.
Moon moves through ida nerve; Sun moves
through pingala nerve. With Sun’s rays’ exposure, the nectar in the Moon melts
and flows constantly through the six adhara chakras. After drinking the nectar,
the Kundalini falls asleep in Muladhara chakra. With yogic practice, the motion
of nectar flow between the Sun and the Moon can be stopped. As a result, the
nectar flow from the Moon stops. Kundalini wakes up suddenly hungry and
restarts on the path upwards.
So far, we had the review and summary of
Namams 99 Muladharaika Nilya to 111 Bisa tantu taniyasi in details, now we
shall proceed to Namam 475 Visuddhi chakra Nilaya namam details:
Dakini Devi is in Visuddhi chakra abode;
She represents the Divine Mother. Visuddhi can mean also completely pure. Like
a clear mirror or non-moving water, we can see our image clearly. The yogis
worship the Divine Mother’s darsahan clearly in Visuddhi chakra. To get that
darshan, he must make that a pure instant.
We have seen Visuddhi represents Akasa or
Sky which has one of the sensory attributes, sound; from the Sky air or vayu where
sound and touch sensory attributes are there; from vayu fire form is added with
sound,touch and form sensory attributes are added in; from fire water with sound, touch, form and taste
are added in ; and from water earth with sound, touch, form, taste and smell
attributes are added in. These five elements create the Janashakti mind. So,
from universal creation standpoint Visuddhi cakra is mentioned first.
The Divine Mother resides in Visuddhi chakra
as Dakini Devi with sixteen-petaled lotus.
Soundarya Lahari by Adi Sankaracharya in verge
37 says that the Divine Mother and lord Shiva in their unison and they remove
the ignorance.
(Removal of Bhootha , Pretha Pisacha and
Brahma Rakshasa)
Vishuddhou the shuddha sphatika visadham
vyoma janakam
Shivam seve devimapi siva samana
Yayo kaanthya sasi kirana saaroopya sarane
Vidhoo thantha dwarvantha vilamathi
chakoriva jagathi
I bow before the Shiva,
Who is of the pure crystal form,
In thine supremely pure wheel
And who creates the principle of ether,
And to you my mother,
Who has same stream of thought as Him.
I bow before you both,
Whose moon like light,
Forever removes the darkness of ignorance,
Forever from the mind,
And which shines like the Chakora* bird,
Playing in the full moon light.
The Divine Mother is referred to
Lotus flower.
C N Nachiappun
Singapore, 14 May 2021.
The Thousand Names of the
Divine Mother published in English by Mata Amritanandamayi Center, San Ramon,
California, USA, with Commentary by T. V Narayana Menon
Shri Lalitha Sahasranama
Stostram published in Tamil by N. Ramaswami Iyer charities’ societies,
Trichirapalli, India, with Commentary by C. V. Radhakrishna Sastry.
The Lalitha Sahasranamam
published in Tamil by Shri Ramakrishna Thapovanam, Thiruipparaithurai, Trichy
District, Tamilnadu, India with commentary by Shrimath Swami Chithbavandar.