Friday, October 15, 2021

My good and bad experiences in writing Shri Lalitha Shasranamam since Thai Ammavasi 24January 2020

 I had like to share my good and bad experiences since 24.01.2021, Thai New moon (Amavasai) day, I started writing the Shri Lalitha names explanations;

1) initially my goal was very simple; I had been reciting these 1000 names for many years and had some basic understanding  of the names. I wished to share my understandings with my friends and fellows alike. 

2)  Up to first 50 namams, it was very wild ride. After lunch, i desperately searched for materials and by 5 pm, finish my writing and send out to my friends, I was happy if I can get the posting my that day article by about 4.30 pm. there was no quality check etc. It was all my own thoughts of what I understood.

3.Around this time one of my elder Nagarathar  brother from Malaysia Mr. Adikalva Annan send those articles to his Sammandi in India , who is an expert in Abirahmi Andhathi to review my writings. He had some good and critical comments. On seeing my background, not a Brahim but earnest in writing the glories of Ambal, he gave me five golden rules that each article should have. I have slowly put these five rules in my subsequent articles and the standard or quality had been raised much.   Also this Abhirami  Anthathi expert pointed out one good encouraging point on my efforts in writing these articles. He said that there are many Shri Lalitha explanation write ups in all indian regional languages, like Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Marati, Hindi etc, but there is  none attempted in such a easy to  understand simple English version. With my educational background and exposure, he said that I can  fulfill that gap  and be of service to the HIndu religion. with Shri Lalitha shasranamam articles, which can be used globally in English speaking countries. 

4. With Ambal's grace, I was introduced to a Sanskrit cum religious expert who agreed to review my written articles. In one week for about two hours video call review, we have been covering 5 to 7 articles per week. Now , have posted fully checked articles up to 440 in

I have documented this evening, 626 name articles, so to reduce the backlog, with my Sanskrit giru's agreement, we are planning to increase to two sessions, one on Tuesdays and one on Thursdays. and thereby cover at least 12 name articles per week. I remember on one name which involved 64 Kalas or arts, I had a list of 64 kalas in my write up, when my Sanskrit guru reviewed it, he pointed out that those 64 listed were related to Kama suthra; he gave me the website to look into get correct 64 Kalas to correct in the report I had earlier done. He would give me weekly home work to read so that my writing content can improve. For example Naratha Sutra have many inputs on defining Bahkti, I was tasked to read them and later in my writing, it was very helpful for me. He asked me to read Gita specific chapters before writing certain namam explanations, along he way I had increased my own understanding of the Hindu religion. This is how Ambal comes into help in people like me in need, in my case to beef up my knowledge before writing on Her glories.

6 I had the good fortune to have one Chennai Ramakrishna Mission Swamiji who would read my articles and correct the on conepts in them; for example we say husband or wife on human level; but at divinity level we are to use spouse or cohort, which the Swamiji helped me to understand. I have my  good friend Mr Laxman Iyer from Singapore who checks the errors and questions the concepts presented  after the article had been posted into the bolgspot, and fine tuning is done to post improved version in the blogspot. 

7. Earlier I think i had less than ten percent of people  who at least opened my articles , let alone reading it. Now I get full comfort more people are reading it, although some still find it a bit difficult to understand the material posted. My Sanskrit Guru gave me an exampl: in 1912 one Maharashtrian used to ask Surudi Sai Baba to give permission to write the Sai Baba's life history. After many denials, the Sai Baba agreed to his request, but he again came back to Sai  Baba asking for lead in writing; He and the Sai baba both wrote 4000 lines of the history of the Sai Baba, but no one read those writing by them  but now see everywhere we turn, we se Sai Baba temples and the bell is rings all the times. He encouraged me to do what the Divine Mother had given me the task to write the explanations, a day will come more and more people will start using it., I can sense slowly more people are interested in these articles. A couple of my friend had said it will be a good reference material in the future generation, which I do hope will happen.

8) I am hoping more and more people are there to understand the wonderful glories of the Goddess and get Her abundant blessings. 

Let Ambal's graceful blessings be there for all of us.

C N Nachiappun/Singapore/09.10.2021.

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Shri Lalitha Sahasranamam: Namam 707: Shri Guhya rupini (ōṃ guhyarūpiṇyai namaḥ)

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